At Mediations Australia, we resolve disputes with significantly better outcomes, not to mention the massive cost and time saving for all involved.
At the outset, you need to know that at Mediations Australia, we’re early-resolution focused. We have both family lawyers and mediators who adopt our same philosophy.
We believe that the way disputes are resolved is broken. We’ve long been conditioned to believe that the only way to resolve an issue between people is to have lawyers involved. Lawyers, by nature, are trained to litigate. In an adversarial environment, they take positions, each in their own corner, with their client by their side. The longer a matter takes to resolve, the more battle-weary the client becomes and the more money they pay, often to end up with a decision by the court that no one is happy with.
In Australia, our courts are choked with litigation and judicial officers are screaming for more steps to be instituted that make people come to their senses that resolving disputes through litigation simply doesn’t work.
In the context of family law, already there are steps requiring mediation that are mandatory.
It’s out of this experience that Mediations Australia exists!
Why Choose
Mediations Australia
to Help You
Simply put, litigation doesn’t work in the majority of cases! This is particularly the case in family law matters. When lawyers become involved in family law disputes, matters often become more complicated, more emotionally charged, more time-consuming, and much more expensive. Of course, at times you have no alternative. That’s why at Mediations Australia we have both family lawyers and mediators who can assist you regardless of where you are in the journey.
Plenty of well-respected judicial officers and lawyers concede that in the context of family law mediation, with litigation there are no winners, only losers. At Mediations Australia, regardless of where you’re located, we bring a refreshingly new way of resolving family law conflicts. We are able to resolve them in days, not years, we resolve them for under $5,000, not $155,000 and the result is legally binding agreements on all those issues that were in dispute. Here are some of the other reasons why you should choose Mediations Australia:
Resolve disputes quickly.
Family law litigation typically lasts for many years. At Mediations Australia, we can get family law issues sorted in days.
The cost of litigation is crazy.
It’s generally held that the cost of family law litigation runs into the tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars. We resolve issues for under $5,000.
Resolve your family matter more effectively.
Family law litigation is a long and hard road of which all involved, walk together. It gets harder as the road gets longer. It doesn’t have to be!
Have better control over the outcomes.
Family law litigation invariably involves plenty of cooks in the kitchen, each with their own objectives and agendas. Better results happen when the two of you can work out an agreement, that then, becomes legally binding.
Save plenty by avoiding big legal fees.
You do the maths! The average hourly rate of family lawyers is between $400 and $700. Conservatively let’s say your lawyer works on your file 2 hours each week and your matter takes 3 years to resolve (which is the average). On the lower end, your legal costs will be, $124,800 and on the upper end, $218,400. This is excluding Barristers and court fees.
You may have no other alternative bit to litigate, and if that is the case, our team of early resolution-focused family lawyers can help you.
Who are the Mediations Australia mediators?
At Mediators Australia, we are pedantic about the skills and capabilities of our Mediators. Each member of our team is a qualified family lawyer with significant experience both in family law practice and the practice of mediation. Our mediators are all nationally accredited and registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners with the Department of the Federal Attorney-General.
Our family lawyers have strong expertise and experience in all types of family law matters from the most simple to the most complex.
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