Family Law Dispute Mediation
Property Settlement Mediation
Financial Agreements Mediation
Parenting Plan Mediation
Section 601 Certificate Mediation
De Facto Relationship Dispute Mediation
Spousal Support Dispute Mediation
Grandparent Mediation
Child Support Dispute Mediation
Resolve Your Dispute with
Launceston Mediation
At Mediations Australia, our Launceston family law mediators are recognised as both family law mediators but also previous practising family lawyers.
With these expertise at the forefront of their delivery of services to each client, you will be ensured of multi-faceted advice from an array of perspectives. With this, our family law mediators have the appropriate skills to help you achieve a workable resolution to your family law matter.
Why Choose
Mediations Australia
to Help You
We Are Family Lawyers
With our extensive experience in the field of family law and mediation, our Launceston mediation team will ensure you receive an individual solution specific to your matter in the quest to achieve closure and move forward.
But We’re Not Really Family Lawyers
Our Launceston mediation are familiar of the costs associated with going to court and are also accustomed to the hidden legal fees involved. By choosing to go with the mediation process, you will be made aware of the costs upfront without hidden charges involved. Our Launceston family law mediators often engage modern dispute resolution methods such as collaborative law where both party’s decide that they will not move the matter up to the courts prior to the commencement of negotiations. There are also other methods we can employ such as family law arbitration where an arbitrator makes a final and legally binding decision. Either way is a faster and more economic choice than going to court.
Our Launceston Mediation
Resolution Process
If you are wanting to pursue the mediation process, our Launceston mediation can arrange an initial consultation for you. In this consultation, we will address your concerns and questions regarding your family dispute and the mediation process. Once you are satisfied with the information covered in this consultation, we will make contact with your former partner to involve them in the mediation process.
Provided we receive an agreement from your former partner, we can begin scheduling the required sessions to begin the mediation process.
If you and your former partner do not want to go ahead with the traditional mediation process, many options are available to cater for your preferences. You and your former partner may decide to sit in separate rooms while the mediator conducts a shuttle process. No matter what you decide, our main objective is to help you and your former partner achieve a legally binding agreement so that you can both move on with your lives.
Our Launceston
Our Launceston mediation team can hold mediation sessions and consultations across Launceston and surrounding suburbs to provide easy accessibility for you. Contact Mediations Australia today on 1300 242 494 for more information on the mediation process and how we can assist you.
How Launceston
Can Help You
If you are undergoing a family break-up, the last thing you probably want to do is take the matter to court due to its tedious and stressful nature. With the help of Mediations Australia and our Launceston mediators, we will ensure this doesn’t happen. Instead, we will provide you with the right advice to achieve a workable dispute resolution and move on with your life.
Family Law Disputes
Our Launceston mediation are renowned for their knowledge and experience in helping clients achieve the best outcome possible specific to their family law dispute.
Section 601 Certificates
A section 601 certificate is crucial if you are wanting to make an application through the court for a Parenting Order. This certificate will ultimately prove that you and your former partner have made a genuine effort to resolve your dispute through mediation. Our Launceston mediation team can arrange this for you in this instance.
Parenting Plans
There is no doubt that agreeing on a parenting plan that suites both parties is hard. That is why our Launceston mediators are here to help. Our primary goal in this space is to provide both you and your former partner with a parenting plan that is legally binding and best exemplifies the needs of both parties.
De Facto Relationship Disputes
In Australia, couples who have been in a relationship for 2 or more years are acknowledged similarly to couples who are married. In the same way, separating De Facto couples are entitled to mediation to resolve issues over children, finances and assets. Here at Mediations Australia, our team will ensure you and your former come to a mutually agreeable resolution.
Financial Agreements
A major crossroad in a family break-up is dividing joint assets and liabilities. Our family law mediation experts at our Launceston office can assist you and your former partner to come to an agreement.
Property Settlements
In a family break-up, it can be particularly stressful to decide what should happen to your estate. But with the help of our Launceston family law mediators, it doesn’t have to be. Our Launceston mediation will assist you and your former partner methodically work through the issues regarding your property and help you achieve mutually agreeable and legally binding agreement.
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