Family Law Dispute Mediation
Property Settlement Mediation
Financial Agreements Mediation
Parenting Plan Mediation
Section 601 Certificate Mediation
De Facto Relationship Dispute Mediation
Spousal Support Dispute Mediation
Grandparent Mediation
Child Support Dispute Mediation
Resolve Your Dispute with
Sunshine Coast Mediation
Our Sunshine Coast mediation team are renowned for their ongoing strong representation of clients in family courts as well as their extensive knowledge of current legislation.
With these skills at the forefront of their work, our Sunshine coast mediators will ensure you receive the right advice and strong mediation that leads to a successful outcome for all parties involved.
Why Choose
Mediations Australia
to Help You
We Are Family Lawyers
Our team of Sunshine Coast mediators have experience in family law and mediation, providing you with a well-rounded service to ensure you receive a tailored solution to resolve your family dispute.
But We’re Not Really Family Lawyers
Our priority in the face of working with our clients is workable solutions. Given the nature of taking a matter to court, a dispute resolution method such as mediation will empower both yourself and your former partner to discuss and explore the issues surrounding your family dispute. By doing so, both parties have an opportunity to agree on a workable solution and move forward instead of retaining bitterness toward one another after a settled court matter.
We Don’t Play Like Family Lawyers
Deciding to take a family dispute to court is a costly process with the starting price beginning at $60,000 not including hidden legal fees. By way of comparison, Mediations Australia charges all fees upfront without hidden charges such as those encounter in the court process. As well as the affordability of our services to all clients, our team of Sunshine coast mediators employ modern dispute resolution methods such as collaborative law where both parties make a decision to agree on a resolution rather than moving the matter up to the courts. Alternatively, family law arbitration remains an option where an arbitrator makes a final and legally binding decision.
Our Sunshine Coast Mediation
Resolution Process
If you are thinking of pursing a mediation method to resolve your family dispute, our Mediations Australia Sunshine Coast team can schedule an initial consultation to discuss what option will work best for you and understand your legal requirements. Once you are satisfied with the process, we will contact your former partner to get them involved in the dispute resolution process. By doing this, our aim is to ensure you and your former partner can move forward towards a mutual agreement.
Given that you your former partner make a genuine effort to agree on a workable solution, our team at Mediations Australia will schedule sessions to bring both parties together for discussion.
Once the required sessions have been scheduled, our Sunshine coast mediators will work towards preparing both parties for the mediation day with detailed information about the meeting.
There are many ways to participate in successful mediation. Parties in a family dispute may decide to sit across from each other in a room with the mediation in the middle as the discussion facilitator. Whereas, others may decide that they want to employ the shut process where both parties sit in separate rooms. Either way is just as effective and the mediator will ensure both parties come to a mutually agreeable and legally binding solution.
Our Sunshine Coast
Our Sunshine Coast family law mediators are readily available for an initial consultation to discuss your options and are conveniently available for an appointment across all cities and suburbs within the sunshine coast. Contact mediations Australia Sunshine coast today on 1300 242 494 for more information.
How Sunshine Coast
Can Help You
Family break-ups are an emotional and stressful time for those who have to endure them. However, what makes this conundrum more unsettling is in fact, going to court. At Mediations Australia, our sunshine coast mediation team will ensure you receive a detailed dispute resolution that illuminates a path to a timely, economic and settling outcome.
Family Law Disputes
Here at Mediations Australia, our Sunshine coast mediations are renowned for providing you with the best dispute resolution possible, tailored to your needs and the nature of the dispute.
Section 601 Certificates
As a prerequisite under the Australian Family Law Act, before either party may apply for Parenting Orders, they must hold a Section 601 certificate. This certificate will demonstrate that both parties have made a candid effort to settle their dispute through a dispute resolution process such as mediation. As part of our service to our clients, we can arrange this for you if need be.
Parenting Plans
Proving to be one of the most problematic issues that most separating partners disagree on, is parenting plans. Due to the difficult nature of coming to an agreement with your former partner about a workable parenting plan, our Sunshine Coast mediation can guide you through it. Our Sunshine coast mediators will ensure the parenting plan is legally binding and expresses the needs and concerns of both parties.
De Facto Relationship Disputes
If you and your partner of two or more years decide to separate, mediation is a suitable option for you particularly for resolving issues over finances, assets and children. Here at Mediations Australia Sunshine Coast, our team are renowned for their continuing contribution to helping separating de facto couples resolve their dispute without the requirement for court interruption.
Financial Agreements
Fairly dividing assets and liabilities in a separation is a huge factor which sets many separating couples up for dispute. Our Sunshine Coast mediation team can help guide you through the issues at hand and help you and your former partner come to a legally binding agreement that is approved by both parties.
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