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Best Co-Parenting Apps for Separated Parents in Australia

The Best Apps for Separated Parents in Australia

If parenting can be hard, parenting after a separation can be exponentially harder.

To do it well, take advantage of all the help you can get. One form of help available to you is a co-parenting app.

Co-Parenting Apps for Managing Schedules and Communication

In the eyes of Australian family law, co-parenting is not merely beneficial but often a legal expectation, with the well-being of children at its core. Courts recognize that a child’s emotional well-being is significantly enhanced when they maintain consistent relationships with both parents following a separation or divorce. This legal tenet underscores the belief that all children deserve stableness and the continuous love and guidance of both their parents, regardless of the parents’ relationship status.

Moreover, failure in co-parenting isn’t just a personal shortcoming—it can have legal repercussions. Should one parent show a reluctance to engage in co-parenting, it can lead to a reassessment of custody arrangements and potentially result in loss of custody. This legal perspective fosters a culture where the active participation in co-parenting is ingrained not only as a moral commitment but also a legal one.

The Benefits of Co-Parenting for Children

When co-parenting is approached with the children’s best interest at heart, the benefits manifest in various aspects of their lives. Children thrive in environments where predictability and support are the norm, and effective co-parenting sets the stage for such an environment. This stability is crucial for their emotional and psychological development, enabling a smoother transition through what can be a tumultuous chapter in their young lives.

Additionally, co-parenting reinforces the concept that parental separation need not equate to parental absence. Children who see their parents collaborating and communicating effectively receive reassurance that they are still a unit in parenting, even though they are separated. Apps that focus on shared parenting schedules, medical records management, and easy communication can refine the co-parenting process, making the benefits for the children even more palpable.

The Benefits of Co-Parenting for Separated Parents

From the perspective of separated parents, co-parenting isn’t just about fulfilling a court order; it’s about crafting a harmonious parenting alliance that benefits everyone involved. Sharing decision-making and parenting responsibilities ensures that both parents remain integral to their child’s life post-separation, with each contributing to the child’s growth and welfare.

Co-parents who work together effectively can maintain a positive relationship, fostering a sense of shared identity and purpose that is fundamentally centered on the child’s best interests. Navigating co-parenting through the use of sophisticated apps can play a significant role in achieving this. These tools offer features like custody schedules, expense tracking, and to-do lists, which simplify the logistical aspects of parenting from separate households. This harmonized approach contributes not only to the child’s stable upbringing but also to the parents’ peace of mind, knowing that their parenting partnership is functioning optimally for their child’s future.

Co-parenting beats at the heart of modern family dynamics, particularly after separation or divorce. In an ever-connected digital society, various tools and apps are adept at simplifying the complex elements of sharing parenting responsibilities. Co-parenting apps, judiciously crafted for divorced, separated, or never-married parents, concentrate on enhancing communication channels and enabling effective coordination in raising children together. Hinging on the principle of co-parenting with ease, these applications facilitate tasks such as expense tracking, managing custody schedules, and preserving necessary communication records—all in one secure space.

Since its inception in 2001, OurFamilyWizard has been a pioneering force in the realm of co-parenting applications, setting a precedent for how separated parents can communicate harmoniously and share essential family information. By creating a centralized platform, these apps ensure that the co-parents’ interactions are exclusively family-focused when they are logged in, which promotes a streamlined approach to organization and coordination. To this end, the integral features of these inclusive tools comprise shared calendars for scheduling, direct messaging for unwavering communication, and specialized tools for joint oversight of expenditures.

Additionally, platforms like 2Houses and WeParent extend beyond the norm with innovative characteristics such as custody scheduling support for recurring happenings, calendar synchronization, and granting access to family law professionals, such as collaborative lawyers or mediators. These functionalities not only keep both parents in the loop but also provide an avenue for legal and therapeutic advisors to assist in the co-parenting process.

Through the lens of co-parenting in Australia, these digital solutions are not a luxury but a necessity facilitating transparent parenting partnerships. Whether it’s the fidelity of clothing sizes for growing children, the accuracy of tracking shared medical expenditures, or the assurance of maintaining a clean language environment with profanity filters, these apps are the stalwarts in a co-parent’s digital toolkit.

These apps let you:

Create your ideal changeover calendar, check it easily and make adjustments as necessary.

  • Store digital files — e.g. report cards, work schedules, receipts — and share them with your co-parent.
  • Message your co-parent. 

Certain co-parenting apps let you go beyond those tasks, with tools to help parents document agreements, track expenses, and more. 

At the end of the day, these apps help parents work together from a distance, and they promote civility.  

Given all this, the dilemma often isn’t whether co-parents should use an app but which one they should use. 

When it comes to co-parenting, one of the biggest challenges is managing schedules and ensuring effective communication between both parents. Luckily, there are several apps available in Australia that can help make this process much smoother and more efficient. Here are the most common co-parenting apps. 

1. OurFamilyWizard: OurFamilyWizard is one of the most popular co-parenting apps available. It offers a wide range of features to help co-parents stay organized and in sync. With shared calendars, parents can easily schedule and coordinate activities, appointments, and visitation schedules. The app also has a messaging feature, which allows for direct and secure communication between both parents. Additionally, it provides a platform for tracking expenses and sharing important documents, such as medical records or school reports.

2. Cozi: Cozi is a versatile app that can be used for various purposes, including co-parenting. It offers a shared calendar feature, where both parents can add and edit events, activities, and appointments. The app also allows for creating to-do lists and sharing them with each other. This can be helpful for coordinating tasks related to the children’s needs or household responsibilities. Additionally, Cozi provides a messaging feature that enables easy communication between parents, eliminating the need for multiple phone calls or emails.

3. 2houses: 2houses is designed specifically for separated or divorced parents. It offers a range of features to help co-parents effectively manage their schedules and communicate. The shared calendar feature allows parents to create and share events, as well as assign tasks to each other. The app also has a messaging feature, which provides a secure platform for direct communication between parents. In addition, 2houses offers expense tracking and reimbursement options, helping parents keep track of shared costs and ensuring financial transparency.

4. TalkingParents: Communication is a crucial aspect of successful co-parenting, and TalkingParents is dedicated to facilitating effective communication between co-parents. This app offers a messaging feature that records and stores all conversations, providing a reliable record for future reference. It also allows for uploading and sharing important documents, such as legal agreements or school documents. With TalkingParents, co-parents can ensure clear and transparent communication, even if there is a history of conflict.

To help you choose, we’ve ranked our top six apps for separated parents in Australia. Here’s how they stack up.

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Custody X Change

Custody X Change is our top app for separated parents, in large part because of its helpful tool for creating an Australian parenting plan.

This online app walks you through topics you should discuss when planning for post-separation parenting. It lets you write your own provisions into your plan, as well as choose from common provisions  — for example, “Neither parent will unreasonably question the child about the other parent.” It also offers templates for parenting schedules popular in Australia so you can quickly insert a schedule into your plan.

Once you agree on a parenting plan with your co-parent, you can opt to forgo court entirely, or you can formalize the plan by applying for a consent order. Consent orders have the same effect as a judicial officer’s decision after a trial.

Whichever path you choose, having a thorough parenting plan benefits you and your children, and we appreciate that Custody X Change simplifies the process of making one.

Another reason we like Custody X Change is because of its customizations for Australians.  Once you choose your location, the app adjusts. Your parenting plan will include terminology preferred by Australian courts (like equal shared parental responsibility). Your calendar will suggest common ways to divide parenting time on the public holidays in your state or territory. 

Another unique benefit of Custody X Change is that it calculates your planned parenting time for any time period. It also tracks your actual parenting time, which can be essential when the other parents doesn’t show up for changeovers as planned.

Install the app directly from the Custody X Change website. You can use it for free with some limitations. (So can your children, nanny, etc.). Subscriptions start at $97 USD a year or $17 a month.

Talking Parents

Talking Parents is unique because of the options it offers parents who have combative or even dangerous relationships. We recommend it for parents who expect to go to family court in the future.  

Premium subscribers can make video calls to their co-parent without disclosing their own phone number. Plus, these calls are automatically recorded and transcribed. Printing the transcript is an easy way to inform a lawyer or judge — and remind a co-parent — of what parents have discussed.

As a subscriber, you can also get an official record of everything you do in the app. Each document includes a code that verifies its authenticity, and neither parent can make changes. While these aren’t available by mail in Australia, they’re available in PDF format anywhere in the world. The documents get sent to your email. 

U.S. users can also send payments to their co-parent through the Talking Parents app, so we hope this feature might be available in Australia someday soon.

You can use the Talking Parents website or — if you pay for a standard or premium plan — the app, which is available from major app stores. The premium subscription is $24.99 USD a month per person. 

Keep in mind that unlike the other apps on this list, Talking Parents must be used by both parents. When you sign up, you enter the other parent’s contact information or send them an invitation yourself.

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Our Family Wizard

Our Family Wizard is another strong option for separated parents. One advantage is that it has a large team doing outreach to courts and legal professionals around the world, so your lawyer, mediator or judge may know of it. That can be helpful if you have questions about how to use the app in your situation.

One of Our Family Wizard’s best features is its journal tool. It’s slightly different from the journals Custody X Change and Talking Parents offer because it has two types of entries: check-ins and moments. 

Check-ins use GPS to verify your arrival at changeovers or other places you’re supposed to be. 

Moments are ideal for telling the other parent (or grandparents, etc.) what the kids did that day. You can share “moment” journal entries with anyone you want and add photos.

As with journals from other co-parenting apps, you can always keep entries private for your own reference or to prepare evidence for court. 

Our Family Wizard is in app stores and starts at $144 USD a year, with more expensive packages also available. You can pay extra to add features. While this app doesn’t have a free option for parents, it does let your children and other family members have a free limited-use account.


Getting parents to use an app together is always ideal — it fosters cooperation and can help them agree more quickly. We like that when one parent pays for a WeParent account, the other gets an account for free. This can encourage a hesitant co-parent to use an app. 

Keep in mind that WeParent doesn’t have as many features as other co-parenting apps. For instance, it doesn’t include a private parenting journal or a dedicated space to share your child’s information (e.g., account numbers, clothing sizes), which the apps above do. But it does have many tools that are standard in apps for separated parents, like calendars, messaging, and file storage. 

Download WeParent from your app store. Subscriptions are $9.99 USD per month, $99.99 USD per year or $199.99 USD for a lifetime.


Here’s a word that co-parents everywhere will like: free. AppClose is currently free to parents, though it does charge transaction fees for sending payments through the app (e.g., to reimburse the other parent). 

One especially nice feature is the ability to send information from the app to people who don’t use AppClose or who aren’t connected to you on it. Even if they deny your request to give them information, you’ll have documentation of your attempt to reach them. This can prove useful in court.

AppClose is available in the major app stores, and it currently has a 4.7 out of 5 rating in the Apple store.


Coparently is technically a website, not an app. Regardless, it’s the only co-parenting tool on this list offering a 30-day free trial. (The others listed give either a 30-day money-back guarantee or a 14-day trial.) 

Coparently’s trial doesn’t even require credit card information, so it’s great for the commitment-wary parent.

If you like what you see during the trial, you can sign up at $9.99 USD a month or $99 USD a year.

Although the tool lacks a parenting journal and child information centre, it does let you track expenses (as do Custody X Change, Our Family Wizard, and AppClose).

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Pick the right Co-Parenting app for your Family

With many options to choose from, stay focused on which co-parenting app fits your family’s situation. Talk the options over with your ex since these apps work great as tools for parent collaboration. 

All of the apps mentioned here offer free trials or money-back guarantees, so don’t be afraid to test them out. 

You can even use more than one app if that’s what works best for you. You may want, for example, to use Custody X Change to create a parenting plan early on in your separation. Then you might need to use Talking Parents to transcribe calls if heated disputes arise.  

If you love a tool but wish it had a different feature, reach out to the app creator through their app or website. Many of these are small companies whose leaders got into the business because they care about healthy parenting, so you’ll likely find that they’re responsive and helpful.

Financial Planning and Management Apps

Managing finances can be a major concern for separated parents, but luckily, there are several apps available in Australia that can help with financial planning and management. These apps can streamline the process of tracking expenses, managing budgets, and ensuring transparency in financial matters between co-parents.

1. Mint: Mint is a popular financial planning app that can be useful for separated parents. It allows you to connect your bank accounts, credit cards, and bills all in one place. With Mint, you can easily track your income and expenses, create budgets, and set financial goals. This app can help you stay on top of your finances and make informed decisions about your money.

2. PocketSmith: PocketSmith is another powerful app that can assist with financial planning and management. It provides you with a comprehensive overview of your finances, including income, expenses, and savings. You can track your spending patterns, set savings goals, and create budgets tailored to your needs. PocketSmith also allows you to project your future finances, which can be helpful when planning for long-term expenses or savings.

3. Splitwise: Splitwise is a handy app for managing shared expenses between co-parents. It allows you to easily track who owes what and simplifies the process of splitting bills, groceries, and other shared costs. With Splitwise, you can create groups for different expenses, set reminders for payments, and generate reports to keep track of your spending. This app can help promote transparency and fairness in financial matters between co-parents.

4. Goodbudget: Goodbudget is a budgeting app that uses the envelope system to help you manage your finances. You can allocate funds to different categories, such as groceries, child support, or entertainment, and track your spending accordingly. Goodbudget allows you to sync your budget across multiple devices and share it with your former partner, making it easy to collaborate on financial planning and management.

5. Acorns: Acorns is an investment app that can help you grow your savings over time. It rounds up your purchases to the nearest dollar and invests the spare change for you. Acorns offers a range of investment portfolios suited to different risk levels and allows you to set financial goals for yourself. This app can be a useful tool for building savings for future expenses or for your children’s education.

These financial planning and management apps can simplify the process of tracking expenses, managing budgets, and ensuring transparency in financial matters between separated parents. By utilizing these apps, you can take control of your finances and make informed decisions for the well-being of your family. Remember, each app offers unique features, so it’s important to choose the one that best suits your needs and preferences.

Apps for Keeping Important Documents Organized

As a separated parent, you have a lot of important documents to keep track of, from legal agreements to medical records and school reports. Staying organized and having easy access to these documents is crucial for effective co-parenting. Thankfully, there are apps available in Australia that can help you keep all your important documents organized in one place.

One such app is Evernote. This versatile app allows you to create digital notes and store documents, photos, and audio recordings. You can easily categorize your notes and documents into different notebooks or tags, making it simple to find what you need. Evernote also offers a powerful search feature, so you can quickly locate specific documents or information. Additionally, you can access your notes and documents from any device with an internet connection, ensuring that you always have your important documents at your fingertips.

Another helpful app for organizing documents is Dropbox. This cloud storage app allows you to securely store and share your documents with ease. You can create folders and subfolders to organize your documents based on categories or dates. Dropbox also offers a search function, so you can quickly locate specific files. One of the great features of Dropbox is that you can invite your former partner to collaborate on shared documents, such as school calendars or medical records. This promotes transparency and ensures that both parents have access to important information.

For parents who prefer a more comprehensive solution, the app Family Sharing Organizer can be a great choice. This app not only allows you to organize and store documents, but also provides a platform for managing schedules, tracking expenses, and communicating with your former partner. You can create a digital library to store all your important documents, such as custody agreements, school records, and medical information. The app also offers a search function, making it easy to find specific documents when you need them. Family Sharing Organizer promotes co-parenting collaboration and ensures that both parents have access to important documents and information.

Keeping your important documents organized is essential for effective co-parenting. By utilizing apps like Evernote, Dropbox, or Family Sharing Organizer, you can have peace of mind knowing that all your documents are securely stored and easily accessible. Take advantage of these technological tools to simplify the process of managing important documents and ensure smooth communication between co-parents. With these apps, you can focus on what matters most – providing the best possible future for your children.

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Connecting with Support Groups and Resources for Separated Parents in Australia

Navigating a separation can often feel isolating, but it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. There are numerous support groups and resources available in Australia to help separated parents through this challenging time. Connecting with these support networks can provide you with the guidance, understanding, and encouragement you need to navigate the separation process.

One valuable resource is the Relationships Australia website, which offers a wealth of information and resources for separated parents. They provide advice on co-parenting, child support, legal options, and more. The website also has a directory of local Relationships Australia centers, where you can find support services and workshops specifically designed for separated parents.

Beyond the internet, support groups offer an invaluable opportunity to connect with others who are going through or have been through similar experiences. The Divorce and Separation Support Group on is a great platform to find local support groups in your area. These groups provide a safe and confidential space to share your struggles, learn from others, and gain emotional support. Meeting face-to-face with others who understand your challenges can be incredibly empowering and comforting.

If you prefer the convenience of online support, online forums and communities dedicated to separated parents can provide a wealth of knowledge and support. Websites like the Aussie Divorce forum or Single Mums Downunder offer a platform for individuals to share their stories, ask questions, and provide advice to one another. Engaging with these online communities can help you feel less alone and provide practical tips from those who have gone through similar situations.

It’s also worth reaching out to your local community centers, churches, or other non-profit organizations that offer support for separated parents. These organizations often host support groups, workshops, and counseling services to help you navigate the challenges of co-parenting and the emotional stress that comes with it.

Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of seeking professional help. Therapists and counselors specializing in separation and divorce can provide valuable guidance and emotional support. They can help you process your feelings, develop coping strategies, and provide tools to navigate co-parenting successfully.

Remember, connecting with support groups and resources is an important step in the healing process. You don’t have to face this challenging time alone. Reach out to the support networks available to you, both online and offline, and take advantage of the guidance, understanding, and encouragement they offer. By connecting with others who understand your journey, you can find the strength and resilience to move forward and create a positive future for yourself and your family.

Tips for Creating a Co-Parenting Agreement

Creating a robust co-parenting agreement need not be a daunting task. Here are a few tips to guide you through the process:

  • Start with Templates: Apps like Custody X Change provide templates tailored to Australian families, offering a solid foundation to build upon.
  • Personalize Your Plan: Customize the template to suit your family’s specific needs, reflecting on aspects like custody schedules and communication preferences.
  • Legal Formalization: After reaching consensus, consider formalizing the plan through a consent order, forgoing the court, yet having a legally binding effect.
  • Consult Professionals: Enlist the aid of family law professionals to ensure the agreement is comprehensive and holds up in legal scenarios.

By using apps designed with Australian separated parents in mind, like Custody X Change, creating a parenting plan becomes simpler, more intuitive, and suited to the unique challenges faced down under. It is their goal to help parents minimize conflict, reduce stress, and keep the focus on what truly matters—the well-being and happiness of their children.

Managing Finances and Expenses in Co-Parenting

Navigating the financial waters of co-parenting can be challenging, yet it is an essential component for a harmonious collaboration. Thankfully, the digital era has provided co-parents with effective tools to manage shared expenses and maintain budget control. Apps like 2houses have risen to the occasion by offering dedicated finance management systems, seamlessly integrated into their platform. Such apps help separated parents encode expenses into clear categories for easy tracking, ensuring that every costume for the school play or pair of outgrown shoes is accounted for.

They offer the practicality of inputting, settling, and monitoring payments, thus streamlining the process of financial management in co-parenting dynamics. Not only do these apps allow co-parents to manage their budgets, but they also enable the creation and modification of shared parenting plans, which may include projected financial contributions for future expenses. Through this approach, both parents can remain informed and engage in informed decision-making, pivotal in nurturing the well-being of their children.

Importance of Financial Management in Co-Parenting

In the realm of shared parenting, financial management stands as a pillar of effective co-parenting. The stark reality is that a lack of transparency and accountability in handling shared expenses can sow seeds of conflict. Co-parenting apps act as a balm to this potential source of tension by offering a transparent shared register of expenses. These high-tech solutions empower parents to upload receipts, extend payment invites, and even pull up personalized reports, rendering an exhaustive overview of child-related outlays.

This pragmatic approach simplifies financial interactions, encouraging fairness and accountability. By trimming down monetary misunderstandings, these tools effectively pare back the anxiety and stress often associated with managing the myriad costs inherent to raising children post-separation. Plus, they assist in sidestepping awkward conversations about money, making way for a more focused and peaceful co-parenting experience.

Having Trouble Coming to an Agreement?

If you’re having trouble coming to an agreement regarding parenting matters, at Mediations Australia, we have a team of family lawyers and mediators who can assist you in CanberraPerthAdelaideMelbourneSydney, and all other locations in Australia. We also do international family law matters.

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