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Joint Divorce Application: A Guide for Couples

Joint Divorce Application: Simplify the process by collaborating with your spouse. Australia is a place where life throws a lot your way. Sometimes, those complexities include divorce, a process that can be emotionally tough and legally confusing. While deciding to end a marriage is never easy, understanding your options can make the whole experience smoother.… Read More »Joint Divorce Application: A Guide for Couples

Grandparents Custody and Parenting Orders in Australia

Grandparents Custody: Explore legal rights under Australia’s Family Law Act 1975, empowering grandparents to seek custody or visitation. Are you a grandparent concerned for the wellbeing of your grandchild and considering custody proceedings? In Australia, grandparents have legal rights to pursue custody orders under certain conditions based on Australia’s Family Law Act 1975; under such… Read More »Grandparents Custody and Parenting Orders in Australia

Divorce Certificate in Australia: What You Need

Recently divorced? You’ll likely need a divorce certificate. While the emotional journey may be nearing its end, there are still some important logistical steps to take. One of the key documents you’ll likely need is a divorce certificate. But what exactly is it, and how do you get your hands on one? A divorce certificate… Read More »Divorce Certificate in Australia: What You Need

Domestic Violence: Recognizing the Signs and Finding Safety in Australia

Domestic Violence: One in Six. One in Sixteen. Did you know 1 in 6 women and 1 in 16 men in Australia have experienced domestic violence? These alarming statistics paint a stark picture of a reality that cuts across socioeconomic backgrounds, geographic locations, and demographics. Domestic violence isn’t just about physical abuse; it’s a complex… Read More »Domestic Violence: Recognizing the Signs and Finding Safety in Australia

Divorce Application Process: A Step-by-step Guide To Help

Divorce application process: Each year, thousands of Australians navigate the legal process to end their marriages. While divorce can be emotionally draining and stressful, support is available. This article’s purpose is to equip you with an understanding of Australia’s divorce application procedure so you feel more informed and in charge as this major life change… Read More »Divorce Application Process: A Step-by-step Guide To Help

When Child Support Stops: A Guide for Australian Parents

When Child Support Stops: A Guide for Parents in Sydney Raising a child is a team effort, even after separation. Child support agreements are put in place to ensure financial stability for your children. But what happens when those payments suddenly stop? It’s a frustrating situation many parents face in Sydney. If your ex-partner has… Read More »When Child Support Stops: A Guide for Australian Parents

Child Support Payments and Taxes in Australia: What Parents Need to Know

Navigating the complex relationship between child support payments and taxes can be an intimidating challenge for Australian parents. With numerous rules, regulations, and implications associated with each aspect, understanding their interplay is vitally important. This article seeks to inform Australian parents on this important subject matter by exploring its tax repercussions – providing clarity and… Read More »Child Support Payments and Taxes in Australia: What Parents Need to Know

Who gets to stay in the house during separation in Australia?

Who gets to stay in the house during separation in Australia? As soon as a couple decides to separate, one of the primary considerations will be who will continue living in their family home. Housing arrangements during divorce can be an intricate balancing act between legal, emotional and practical considerations – with decisions usually guided… Read More »Who gets to stay in the house during separation in Australia?

Who Pays Bills During Separation in Australia? A Comprehensive Guide

The Financial Maze: Who Pays Bills During Separation? The decision to separate is rarely easy, and amidst the emotional upheaval, financial concerns often rise to the forefront. For couples in Australia, navigating who pays bills during separation can feel like venturing into a complex legal maze. This guide is here to equip you with the… Read More »Who Pays Bills During Separation in Australia? A Comprehensive Guide

Does a Husband Have to Support His Wife During Separation in Australia?

Does a Husband Have to Support His Wife During Separation? Separation can be a whirlwind of emotions and logistical hurdles. One of the key concerns for many couples is the financial aspect, particularly whether a husband is legally obligated to support his wife during this time in Australia. The answer isn’t a simple yes or… Read More »Does a Husband Have to Support His Wife During Separation in Australia?

What is Divorce Law in Australia?

Understanding Divorce Law in Australia Divorce can be a challenging and emotional process, and it’s essential to understand the legal framework that governs the dissolution of marriages in Australia. While many people believe that “divorce law” is a separate legal system, it is actually a part of the broader Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) (“the… Read More »What is Divorce Law in Australia?

How to Deal with High-Conflict Situations in Family Law Mediation

Take Home Message Family Law Mediation: Common in high-conflict situations like divorce and custody battles. Challenges: Unresolved grievances, emotions, and power imbalances can derail mediation. Preparation Key: Meticulous preparation by lawyers and mediators is crucial. Effective Communication: Active listening, setting ground rules, and managing conflicts are essential. Mediator’s Role: Establishing civility, deep diving into case… Read More »How to Deal with High-Conflict Situations in Family Law Mediation

Separation Lawyer Sydney

Separation Lawyer Sydney Understanding Legal Separation A legal separation is a formal process that allows a married couple to live apart while remaining legally married. It involves obtaining a court order that outlines the rights and obligations of each spouse during the separation period. Unlike a divorce, a legal separation does not dissolve the marriage.… Read More »Separation Lawyer Sydney

My Ex Won’t Sign Divorce Papers

My Ex Won’t Sign Divorce Papers When a marriage comes to an end, the process of obtaining a divorce can be a challenging and emotionally charged experience. In some cases, one party may refuse to sign the divorce papers, further complicating an already difficult situation. If you find yourself in this predicament in Australia, it’s… Read More »My Ex Won’t Sign Divorce Papers

Mediation for Separation

Mediation for Separation in Australia: A Path to Amicable Resolution When a couple decides to part ways, the process of separation can be emotionally charged and legally complex. In Australia, mediation has become an increasingly popular option for couples seeking a more amicable and cost-effective approach to resolving disputes surrounding their separation. This article will… Read More »Mediation for Separation

How to Divorce Without Lawyers in Australia

Divorce is a challenging and emotionally charged process that can be both time-consuming and costly, especially when involving lawyers and court proceedings. However, in Australia, it is possible to navigate the divorce process without engaging lawyers, particularly if both parties are willing to cooperate and communicate effectively. Two alternative dispute resolution methods that can be… Read More »How to Divorce Without Lawyers in Australia

Difference Between Mediator and Conciliator

Understanding the Roles: Mediator vs. Conciliator In the world of alternative dispute resolution, the terms “mediator” and “conciliator” are often used interchangeably, but there are distinct differences between these two roles. While both aim to facilitate constructive dialogue and help parties reach mutually agreeable solutions, their approaches and techniques can vary. Let’s explore the nuances… Read More »Difference Between Mediator and Conciliator

Post Prenup Agreement in Australia

Post Prenup Agreement A Post prenup agreement, also known as a binding financial agreement or a post-marriage agreement, is a legally binding contract between spouses that outlines their rights and responsibilities regarding financial matters during and after their marriage. In Australia, these agreements are governed by the Family Law Act 1975 and provide couples with… Read More »Post Prenup Agreement in Australia

How to Force a Property Settlement

How to Force a Property Settlement Navigating a property settlement after a relationship breakdown can be a complex and emotionally charged process, particularly when one party is reluctant to participate or intentionally delaying the proceedings. In such situations, it may become necessary to explore legal avenues to force a property settlement in Australia. This comprehensive… Read More »How to Force a Property Settlement

Ex Delaying Property Settlement. What to Do

Ex Delaying Property Settlement Take Home Message Dealing with an ex-partner delaying property settlement process in Australia can be frustrating and emotionally draining. Understanding the legal mechanisms in place to address delays is crucial to protect your rights. The property settlement process in Australia is governed by the Family Law Act 1975, involving steps such… Read More »Ex Delaying Property Settlement. What to Do

Section 79 of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth). Everything You Need to Know

Section 79 of the Family Law Act 1975 in Australia is crucial for regulating property interests between divorced spouses. It outlines principles for fair division of assets and liabilities by considering contributions, future needs, and other relevant factors. The court follows a four-step process to determine property division, taking into account pre-relationship and post-separation assets.… Read More »Section 79 of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth). Everything You Need to Know

Parenting Payments in Australia

Are you a new parent in Australia? Congratulations and welcome to the world of parenting! As of 2023, there have been some changes in the parenting payments system that you should know about. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here’s everything you need to know about parenting payments in Australia.Read More »

Understanding Divorce Laws in NSW

Divorce is often a difficult and emotional process, but it doesn’t have to be confusing! Understanding the laws in NSW can make the process smoother and less stressful. Here’s what you need to know.Read More »

How to Get a Divorce in New South Wales

Getting a divorce in New South Wales doesn’t have to be daunting. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process with ease!Read More »

Family Law Mediation for Property Settlements

Family Law Mediation for Property Settlements Divorce can be a difficult and emotional process, and one of the most challenging aspects is figuring out how to divide your property and assets. In many cases, couples can agree on how to divide their property, but in others, it can be a long and complicated process. That’s… Read More »Family Law Mediation for Property Settlements

Do I need to attend Mediation in family law matters?

Discover the importance of attending mediation in your family law matter.Read More »

How Are Assets Divided In A Divorce

Discover the intricate process of asset division in a divorce in Australia as we delve into the legal framework, considerations, and factors that play a crucial role in determining a fair and equitable distribution of assets.Read More »

Child travel overseas after a separation: is it allowed?

Discover the rules and regulations surrounding international travel for children after a separation.Read More »

What is Arbitration in Family Law Matters in Australia

Discover the ins and outs of arbitration in family law matters in Australia.Read More »

Impact of Joint Tenancy and Divorce in Australia

Discover the intricate web of joint tenancy and divorce in Australia.Read More »

What is Conciliation in Family Law Matters in Australia

Discover the ins and outs of conciliation in family law matters in Australia.Read More »

The Best Divorce Lawyers in Sydney

Discover the top divorce lawyers in Sydney who excel in navigating complex legalities, ensuring a smooth and fair separation.Read More »

The Marriage Separation Process in NSW

Discover the step-by-step guide to navigating the marriage separation process in New South Wales.Read More »

Best Co-Parenting Apps for Separated Parents in Australia

If parenting can be hard, parenting after a separation can be exponentially harder. To do it well, take advantage of all the help you can get. One form of help available to you is a co-parenting app. Co-Parenting Apps for Managing Schedules and Communication In the eyes of Australian family law, co-parenting is not merely… Read More »Best Co-Parenting Apps for Separated Parents in Australia

What is the Difference between a Parenting Plan and Parenting Orders?

Discover the key distinctions between a Parenting Plan and Parenting Orders in this insightful article.Read More »

How Do I Contact Centrelink in Australia?

Discover the easiest ways to contact Centrelink in Australia and get the assistance you need.Read More »

Can I Divorce Without a Lawyer in Australia?

Discover the ins and outs of divorcing without a lawyer in Australia.Read More »

What Is A 60/40 Split In Divorce In Australia?

Discover everything you need to know about the intriguing concept of a 60/40 split in divorce settlements in Australia.Read More »

What is Child Custody Mediation

What is Child Custody Mediation Many people have questions about the mediation process. It is a compulsory step when there are parenting matters in dispute, hence the question, what is child custody mediation? Separation and divorce are difficult for everyone involved: you, your ex-partner, your children, and your extended family. When emotions are high and… Read More »What is Child Custody Mediation

Understanding Property Settlement in Family Law: A Comprehensive Guide to Dividing Assets Fairly and Equitably

Property settlement in family law is a crucial process that occurs after a marriage or relationship breakdown. It involves the division of assets and liabilities between the parties involved, ensuring a fair and equitable distribution. Understanding the legal aspects and considerations surrounding is essential to navigate this complex process successfully. The division of property after… Read More »Understanding Property Settlement in Family Law: A Comprehensive Guide to Dividing Assets Fairly and Equitably

Applying for a Divorce in Australia: What You Need to Know

Divorcing in Australia involves various key considerations, including cost, duration and process. We will delve deeper into these aspects so you have a thorough understanding of what awaits when going through a divorce in Australia. Divorce in Australia: Costs At the forefront of any divorce decision is financial considerations. In Australia, the fee to file… Read More »Applying for a Divorce in Australia: What You Need to Know

Shuttle Mediation. What You Need to Know

Shuttle Mediation in Australian Family Law Mediation has become an increasingly popular method of resolving family law disputes in Australia, offering a less adversarial and more cost-effective alternative to traditional court proceedings. One specific form of mediation that has gained traction in recent years is shuttle mediation. In this article, we will explore what shuttle… Read More »Shuttle Mediation. What You Need to Know

What is Alimony in Australia?

Alimony in Australia Alimony, also known as spousal maintenance, is a legal term that refers to the financial support provided by one spouse to the other after the breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship. This support is typically intended to assist the recipient spouse in maintaining a reasonable standard of living, especially if… Read More »What is Alimony in Australia?

What is the Mediation Process?

When it comes to separation and divorce, the mediation process can be a difficult but necessary step to take. The process of family law mediation in Australia helps separating couples to resolve their disagreements and come to an agreement about issues such as property, parenting, and financial matters. This blog post will provide a comprehensive… Read More »What is the Mediation Process?

Mediate Workplace Conflict in Australia

Workplace conflict is an inevitable reality in any organization, regardless of its size or industry. However, it is crucial to address and resolve these conflicts promptly and effectively to maintain a harmonious work environment. In Australia, there is a legal framework in place that governs workplace conflict and provides guidelines for mediation. Understanding the nature… Read More »Mediate Workplace Conflict in Australia

The Role of a Mediator in an Australian Divorce: Divorce Mediation

Divorce can be a challenging and emotionally taxing process. In Australia, couples have the option to go through divorce mediation as an alternative to traditional litigation. Mediation offers a more cooperative and less confrontational approach to resolving disputes. In this article, we will explore the role of a mediator in an Australian divorce and the… Read More »The Role of a Mediator in an Australian Divorce: Divorce Mediation

How Long Does a Divorce Take in Australia?

In Australia, the length of time it takes to get a divorce can vary depending on several factors. Understanding the divorce process, the legal requirements, and the various factors that can affect its duration is crucial for anyone going through this difficult process. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to help you navigate… Read More »How Long Does a Divorce Take in Australia?

Understanding Property Settlement in Divorce: A Guide to Private Agreements

In the process of divorce, one of the most crucial aspects to consider is the division of property. This includes assets, possessions, debts, and obligations acquired during the marriage. While some couples opt for court intervention to settle these matters, many choose to create private agreements to divide their property. This article aims to provide… Read More »Understanding Property Settlement in Divorce: A Guide to Private Agreements

How to Resolve Your Property Settlement with Mediation in Australia

Property settlement is a crucial step when it comes to the division of assets and liabilities between separating couples in Australia. This process can often be complex and emotionally challenging, but there are ways to resolve it amicably and efficiently. One such method is mediation, which has proven to be a highly effective means of… Read More »How to Resolve Your Property Settlement with Mediation in Australia

How Long Do Consent Orders Take in Family Law Matters?

In family law matters in Australia, consent orders are a common way to ratify an agreement made in a family law dispute. They offer parties the opportunity to make their own decisions about parenting arrangements and property settlements, without the need for a lengthy and costly court process. However, one question that often comes up… Read More »How Long Do Consent Orders Take in Family Law Matters?

What is Mediation in Family Law

Mediation plays a crucial role in resolving disputes within the realm of family law. Whether it’s a divorce, child custody arrangement, or property division, mediation offers a private and cost-effective alternative to traditional litigation. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of mediation in family law, the role of mediators, the process of… Read More »What is Mediation in Family Law

Everything You Need to Know About the Family Court Mediation Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Divorce can be a painful experience, and it is made even more difficult when there are children involved. The cost of fighting over child custody in court can be a major source of pain for everyone involved. Couples who disagree can find help to work toward solutions that are best for their families in places… Read More »Everything You Need to Know About the Family Court Mediation Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Points to Consider Family Mediation Lawyers in Australia

Family Mediation Lawyers: Important Points to Consider in Australia Welcome to Mediations Australia, where we understand the complexities and challenges that families face when it comes to disputes, separations, and divorces. We know that these situations can be overwhelming and emotionally draining, but we believe that there is a better way to resolve conflicts and… Read More »Points to Consider Family Mediation Lawyers in Australia

Divorce Law Near Me

Divorce Law Near Me: Get the Right Help If you’re considering divorce or separation in Australia, it’s important to understand the relevant laws and processes. Divorce law can be complex, and having the right legal guidance and representation is crucial. In this article, we’ll provide an overview of key aspects of divorce law in Australia… Read More »Divorce Law Near Me

What Do I Do if My Former Partner Will Not Do Mediation?

Introduction to Family Dispute Resolution in Australia Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) is an important part of the family law system in Australia, providing an opportunity for separated couples to resolve their disputes outside of court. FDR is a process that involves the assistance of an independent third party, known as a family dispute resolution practitioner… Read More »What Do I Do if My Former Partner Will Not Do Mediation?

Stepparent Rights and Family Law in Australia

Stepparents play a significant role in the lives of many children in Australia. They may have entered the family through marriage or a de facto relationship, and they often build close relationships with their stepchildren. However, stepparents may face challenges when it comes to legal rights and obligations. In this article, we will explore stepparent… Read More »Stepparent Rights and Family Law in Australia

Duty of Disclosure in Australian Family Law

In Australian family law, parties involved in legal proceedings have a duty of disclosure, which requires them to provide all relevant information to the other party. This duty is an essential aspect of the legal process as it enables both parties to have access to all the necessary information to make informed decisions. What is… Read More »Duty of Disclosure in Australian Family Law

Binding Financial Agreement. What You Need to Know

What are Binding Financial Agreements (BFA)? BFA’s are a great way to protect yourself and your loved ones. As you may know, the law can be confusing and complicated, so it’s important to have a lawyer who can help. A BFA is a legal document that outlines how much money each spouse will receive in case of… Read More »Binding Financial Agreement. What You Need to Know

How to Protect Your Online Privacy Following Separation

There are several steps that you can take to protect your online privacy following a separation in Australia: Change all passwords: It is important to change the passwords for all of your online accounts, including social media, email, and online banking. Consider using a password manager to generate and store strong, unique passwords for each… Read More »How to Protect Your Online Privacy Following Separation

In a Divorce Who Gets What?

In Australia, the laws governing the distribution of property and assets during a divorce are contained in the Family Law Act 1975. The general principle is that the court will aim to divide the property and assets of the parties in a just and equitable manner, having regard to the financial and non-financial contributions made… Read More »In a Divorce Who Gets What?

What is Workplace Mediation? 2023 Important Update

Workplace mediation is a process that involves the use of a neutral third party, known as a mediator, to facilitate communication and negotiate a resolution to conflicts or disputes that arise in the workplace. Workplace mediation can be used to resolve a variety of issues, including interpersonal conflicts, communication problems, performance issues, and disputes over… Read More »What is Workplace Mediation? 2023 Important Update

How to Make Changes to a Parenting Order

In Australia, parenting orders are made by a court to determine the arrangements for the care, welfare, and development of a child, including where the child will live and the time they will spend with each parent. These orders can be varied, or changed, if there has been a significant change in circumstances since the… Read More »How to Make Changes to a Parenting Order

Mediation or Litigation. What is the Best?

In family law cases in Australia, parties have the option of resolving their disputes through either mediation or litigation. Both approaches have their own benefits and drawbacks, and the right option for a particular case will depend on the specific circumstances of the case. Mediation is a voluntary, confidential process in which a trained mediator… Read More »Mediation or Litigation. What is the Best?

Final Hearing in Family Law Disputes

What is a final hearing in family law in Australia? A final hearing in family law in Australia is a court proceeding in which a judge makes a final decision on the issues in a family law case. These issues may include matters related to the care and protection of children, property division, and spousal… Read More »Final Hearing in Family Law Disputes

Consent Orders. All Your Questions Answered. 2023 Update

What are Consent Orders? A consent order is a legally binding agreement that is made between parties involved in a legal dispute and is approved by a court in Australia. It is used as a way to resolve a dispute without the need for a full trial or hearing. Consent orders can be made in… Read More »Consent Orders. All Your Questions Answered. 2023 Update

Commonly Asked Family Law Questions

When Can I Get a Divorce in Australia? In Australia, a couple can apply for a divorce if they have been separated for a period of at least 12 months. This means that the couple must have been living separately and apart for at least 12 months, with no reasonable likelihood of resuming their relationship.… Read More »Commonly Asked Family Law Questions

What Happens to Superannuation if I Separate or Divorce?

The regulations governing superannuation splitting permit divorcing couples to appraise and distribute their super benefits after their marriage has ended. According to the legislation, after a separation, one partner may divide the balance in their superannuation fund and contribute to the superannuation fund of the other partner. Superannuation is treated as property under the Family… Read More »What Happens to Superannuation if I Separate or Divorce?

How to Sell Property During a Divorce

Selling Property During a Divorce Divorce is a challenging process on both an emotional and financial level. Unfortunately, the split of a couple’s assets is the one item that cannot be avoided during a time like this. While some couples may go through this without any issues, many find it impossible to distribute their assets… Read More »How to Sell Property During a Divorce

Divorce Property Settlement Examples in Australia

Divorce Property Settlement Examples in Australia In Australia, when a couple decides to end their marriage, one of the most significant aspects to consider is the division of property. Divorce property settlements can be complex and emotionally charged, requiring careful consideration of various factors. To provide insight into this topic, this article will explore what… Read More »Divorce Property Settlement Examples in Australia

How Do I Change a Consent Order?

Can I Change Consent Orders? This is a common question asked by many people. But before we answer the question, let’s give some context. How do Consent Orders work? When two individuals separate, they typically want to come to an agreement on how their financial assets will be divided and how their children will be… Read More »How Do I Change a Consent Order?

What are Family Reports in Family Law Matters?

What is a Family Report? The court may direct a family consultant to submit a family report on subjects the court deems relevant under Section 62G(2) of the Family Law Act (1975). But what exactly does this imply? A Family Report is a document written by a court-appointed psychologist or social worker (typically one of… Read More »What are Family Reports in Family Law Matters?

The Difference Between a Divorce Lawyer and a Mediator

With the heightened emotions (and sometimes anger) that accompany the end of a marriage or de facto partnership, many people believe that hiring a lawyer to put on the proverbial boxing gloves and to fight for them is the only way to go proceed through the maze of family law. Nothing could be further from… Read More »The Difference Between a Divorce Lawyer and a Mediator

Trial Separation: Everything You Need to Know

Trial Separation A trial separation is not the same as a real separation or divorce, but it can be just as unpleasant and frightening for the spouse who does not want to separate. Living apart but preserving your marriage status allows you and your partner to honestly assess your concerns and issues without completely pulling… Read More »Trial Separation: Everything You Need to Know

Family Court Process. 2022 Update

The Family Court Process A court application can be brought in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia if the parties cannot reach an amicable agreement through a parenting plan, consent orders, and/or a financial agreement. A variety of rules control the family court process. When the parties have exhausted all efforts, through their… Read More »Family Court Process. 2022 Update

Pre-Separation Checklist

Important Things to Consider Before Separation Separation, in the worst-case scenario, involves a person leaving the marital or de facto home in haste and not returning. Conversely, the best-case scenario is when someone leaves after exploring all the options, both in regard to reconciling the relationship and of course, in the event that it’s unlikely,… Read More »Pre-Separation Checklist

Divorce & Splitting Assets. 2022 Guide

When people consider divorce, soon after they think of splitting assets. While the term, “divorce splitting assets” is a term often searched in Google, you of course don’t need to be divorced before splitting assets. In fact, it’s recommended that you do it soon after separation. In this article, we’ll let you know everything about… Read More »Divorce & Splitting Assets. 2022 Guide

Divorce Property Settlement – Your Best Options in 2022

Separation from a relationship can be a traumatic and stressful experience. When a relationship ends, it’s never easy, and it’s common for people to feel adrift and unsure of what to do next. At the forefront of their mind, is often a divorce property settlement. Aside from the emotional toll, there are also financial and… Read More »Divorce Property Settlement – Your Best Options in 2022

Superannuation and Family Law. Important 2022 Update

In the past, obtaining information about a former spouse or partner’s superannuation assets in family court procedures required directly contacting the relevant super fund. This procedure also relied greatly on the former spouse or partner being honest and forthcoming about where their retirement funds were held. All of that is poised to change on April… Read More »Superannuation and Family Law. Important 2022 Update

How to Get Divorce Papers. The 2022 Guide

By far, The best way to get divorce papers is to apply for a divorce online. In this 2022 guide, we will let you know the best way to get divorce papers. You can also talk to one of our lawyers at Mediations Australia. To begin, you must have been legally separated from your spouse… Read More »How to Get Divorce Papers. The 2022 Guide

Fathers Rights in Family Law. 2022 Update

When it comes to ‘father’s rights’ in parenting matters, it’s vital to remember that under the Family Law Act 1975, there are no men’s rights vs. women’s rights. In fact, the child’s rights are the only ones that the Court is legally required to consider. A child has a right to be cared for by… Read More »Fathers Rights in Family Law. 2022 Update

What if My Ex Dies Before Our Property Settlement is Finalised

When a couple separates or divorces, it's usual for legal and financial professionals to advise both parties to finalize their property settlement as quickly as possible. There are compelling reasons for this. One of these is to tie things up from a financial perspective in the event that something, like death, happens to one ofRead More »What if My Ex Dies Before Our Property Settlement is Finalised

Grandparent’s Rights. How To See Your Grandchildren. 2022 Update

Grandparents’ rights are frequently impacted by relationship failures, and this is sometimes overlooked when discussing divorce and separation. Grandparents play a fundamentally important role in children’s lives and all needs to be done to ensure that the connection between children and their grandparents continues despite the separation of the parents. But importantly, when considering grandparent’s… Read More »Grandparent’s Rights. How To See Your Grandchildren. 2022 Update

What are the Mother’s Rights in Family Law

Historically, when considering a mother’s or father’s rights when it comes to custody of the children, mothers were granted custody in the far majority of cases. Legislation enacted in 2006 was the foundation for this weighted decision-making by family courts. However, now, mothers’ rights are not recognised by Australian family law. Fathers’ rights are also… Read More »What are the Mother’s Rights in Family Law

What You Need to Know About Parenting Coordination. 2022 Update

Parenting Coordination is not a new thing, there has been a shift toward parents hiring a Parenting Coordinator to help them navigate and, hopefully, resolve issues that may emerge in regard to parenting plans. The use of a Parenting Coordinator has been increasingly popular in recent years, with the purpose of reducing friction between parents… Read More »What You Need to Know About Parenting Coordination. 2022 Update

Why You Have to Update Your Will After Separation

Separation from a partner or spouse can be a very stressful time for everyone involved. A plethora of issues must be considered, ranging from property settlement to child support and all in between. One aspect of this process that should never be overlooked is the evaluation and update of your estate plan. It is possible… Read More »Why You Have to Update Your Will After Separation

Pets and Family Law. Who Gets the Pets After Separation?

Parenting arrangements and/or property settlements are at the forefront of most couples’ minds when they separate or divorce. But what happens to the family dog, cat, or other pets that were once a member of the household? Pet ownership has increased significantly in Australia throughout the past two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, with 69… Read More »Pets and Family Law. Who Gets the Pets After Separation?

What You Need to Know About Parenting Plans

When a couple with a child or children divorces or ends their de facto relationship, challenges can develop as a result of the dissolution of the marriage or de facto relationship, with the most likely issue being what will happen to the children. Obviously, in family law disputes, it’s the most important consideration. Among the… Read More »What You Need to Know About Parenting Plans

What is the Role of an Independent Children’s Lawyer?

In complex parenting cases, a judge may order the appointment of an independent children’s lawyer (ICL). Parties may also request the appointment of an ICL if they can demonstrate to the court that it is essential. An independent children’s lawyer, according to the Family Law Act of 1975, is a legal practitioner with specific training… Read More »What is the Role of an Independent Children’s Lawyer?

What is a DVO? How to Apply for a Domestic Violence Order

What is the definition of a DVO (domestic violence order)? Domestic violence has been recognised as a serious public health concern in Australia during the last decade, with 17 percent of women and 6% of males having experienced physical or sexual assault from a current or former partner since they were 15 years old. Domestic… Read More »What is a DVO? How to Apply for a Domestic Violence Order

Can You Record Your Ex Without Permission

Unless you’re protecting yourself or your property, it’s illegal to record someone without their agreement under state law. If you are convicted of filming someone without their consent, you might face up to five years in prison, depending on the severity of the crime. There is no problem of illegality if you have your spouse’s… Read More »Can You Record Your Ex Without Permission

De Facto Relationships and Prenups. What You Have to Know

Prenuptial agreements, also known as ‘Binding Financial Agreements‘ in Australia, are a delicate and frequently misunderstood topic. Some people mistakenly believe that these types of Financial Agreements indicate that a relationship is in trouble, although this is rarely the case. People get life insurance not because they anticipate dying soon, but because they want to… Read More »De Facto Relationships and Prenups. What You Have to Know

How Long Does it Take to Get a Divorce?

In Australia, how long does it take to get a divorce granted? Many people considering divorce or separation often ponder this very subject, whether it is because they wish to move on with their lives or for any other reason. Among the objectives of this article are to offer a general understanding of the subject… Read More »How Long Does it Take to Get a Divorce?

Family Law Separation Agreements. The 2022 Guide

A separation agreement is a legally enforceable instrument that formalizes the distribution of your assets upon your divorce. Considering that a separation agreement is legally enforceable, each party to such an agreement must carefully analyze their choices and choose whether or not signing a separation agreement is in their best interests before proceeding. What are… Read More »Family Law Separation Agreements. The 2022 Guide

Understanding Intervention Orders: Everything You Need to Know

Domestic and family violence is a terrible fact of Australian life, affecting many thousands of people every year. The type of harmful behaviour that can be encompassed by this sort of violence includes physical intimidation of one person by another, including hitting or pushing them, as well as sexual, emotional, psychological and even financial abuse.… Read More »Understanding Intervention Orders: Everything You Need to Know

Surrogacy Laws in Australia: The 2022 Legal Guide

What Exactly Is Surrogacy? A “surrogate” is a person who acts on behalf of another person in order to achieve a desired result; in other words, a “surrogate” is just a substitute. To put it another way, ‘surrogate parenting’ refers to one person, the surrogate, carrying a pregnancy on behalf of another person, often someone… Read More »Surrogacy Laws in Australia: The 2022 Legal Guide

Getting Divorced or Separated. The 2022 Guide

Separating or ending a marriage or de facto relationship can be an incredibly difficult period for all concerned. Though for some, it can be quite the contrary. Wherever you are on the journey, you need to know some legal basics. At Mediations Australia, we’re early-resolution focussed. We believe that family law matters should, unless absolutely… Read More »Getting Divorced or Separated. The 2022 Guide

The 2022 Guide for Preparing for Mediation

Mediation should be a collaborative process in which you and the other parties involved work together to address the issues and come to an agreement that you and your former partner can live with. Like every successful negotiation, there is give and take. If you’re not willing to give a little, your path to a… Read More »The 2022 Guide for Preparing for Mediation

When should I think about Parenting Mediation or Custody Mediation?

When parents cannot agree on issues that affect a child’s near and long term future, parental mediation is advised. These might include disagreements between you and your former partner like: Who the child should live with time spent with each parent where the child lives what childcare or school the child attends and their educational… Read More »When should I think about Parenting Mediation or Custody Mediation?

Binding Financial Agreements

What is a Binding Financial Agreement? A binding financial agreement is a term used in Australia to refer to a legally binding financial arrangement. Pre-nuptial agreements, also known as binding financial agreements (BFAs), are a contract or series of documents that control your property interests in the event of divorce or dissolution of a de… Read More »Binding Financial Agreements

What is a Restraining Order? Everything You Need to Know

Domestic violence is a growing problem in Australia, with one in three women experiencing physical violence in a relationship and about one in 16 men also suffering violence from their partner in a relationship. High profile cases such as the murder of Brisbane mother Hannah Clarke and her three children by her ex-partner in 2020… Read More »What is a Restraining Order? Everything You Need to Know

What is a DVO? Everything You Need to Know

Domestic violence affects men, women, children, and wider family members in a terribly damaging way. Around one in three women experience physical violence in a relationship after the age of 15. On average, one woman a week is murdered by her current or former partner. About one in 16 men also experience violence from their… Read More »What is a DVO? Everything You Need to Know

How are Contributions Assessed in Family Law Matters in 2022

In the sad event that marriage or de facto relationship comes to an end, one of the most contentious areas when it comes to the disentangling of two lives is the property settlement. In particular, the issue of contributions by each party to the relationship can become a common sticking point in any division of… Read More »How are Contributions Assessed in Family Law Matters in 2022

Consent Orders

If both parties are able to reach an agreement on how to divide their assets and/or on the care, welfare, and development of their children, the Family Court can issue orders based on their mutual agreement, which is known as consent, in order to resolve their differences. Neither of you will have to attend in… Read More »Consent Orders

What am I Entitled to in a Divorce or Separation in Australia

Despite the fact that the notion of sharing things 50/50 has been ingrained in most of us since childhood, it is not necessarily the most equal approach, particularly in the context of family law. Numerous separating or divorcing couples make the mistake of assuming that all that is required of them is to keep everything… Read More »What am I Entitled to in a Divorce or Separation in Australia

Can My Ex Wife Claim Money after Divorce in Australia

If the relationship between you and your former partner has ended, you’re able to file an Application in the Family Law Courts to seek an Order outlining how the assets acquired during your relationship should be divided between you both. In most cases, the parties to the relationship will seek to negotiate a mutually agreed… Read More »Can My Ex Wife Claim Money after Divorce in Australia

Divorce Application

Obtaining a Divorce Application If you have separated or are contemplating separation, the process of divorce will be front of mind. There are of course other much more significant things that occur following separation than the divorce process. Yes, it’s of course important, but ensure you’re well aware of all other things that need to… Read More »Divorce Application

De Facto Relationships

In Australia, de facto relationships are very common and are becoming more so. The Australian Bureau of Statistics has released fresh data on marriage and divorce rates, the average age at which people marry, and changes in the nature of relationships that lead to marriage in Australia. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, compared… Read More »De Facto Relationships

How Property Settlements Work

Making a property settlement without the help of a court is possible. In order to complete a property settlement without the help of the court system, there are a variety of tools accessible to you. You should, however, obtain legal advice from our team of Family Lawyers and Mediators at Mediations Australia to assist you… Read More »How Property Settlements Work

What am I entitled to in a Separation?

What am I entitled to in a separation? The most important questions you need to answer when you are separating from your partner are; what am I entitled to in a separation; how the assets will divide; what is the percentage of division? In Australia when a couple separates, there can be a misunderstanding of… Read More »What am I entitled to in a Separation?

The Cost of Divorce in Australia

Listen to this article instead The Cost of Divorce in Australia doesn’t have to be as high as you may think. It’s likely that you have heard of the horror stories of family lawyers who have charged so much that there wasn’t much left after they took out their fees. While those stories are sometimes… Read More »The Cost of Divorce in Australia

What is a Section 60I Certificate & Why Do I Need One?

Listen to this article instead: Mediation in recent years has been a mandatory step to resolving family law disputes. It is required under the relevant legislation, in this case, the Family Law Act 1975 that separating couples need to show the court that they have made a genuine attempt to resolve the dispute through mediation… Read More »What is a Section 60I Certificate & Why Do I Need One?

How to Convince Your Ex-Partner to Do Mediation

As much as we want to make relationships work, there are times when it is difficult for those involved to resolve issues on their own. When it comes to parenting and property matters post-separation, unfortunately, emotions can override common sense. The consequences of which can be extraordinarily expensive and lengthy. The bottom line is that… Read More »How to Convince Your Ex-Partner to Do Mediation

What’s the Difference Between a De Facto Relationship and Marriage?

Australian society has undergone significant change in many ways in recent decades. Not only do we look a lot more diverse than we once did, but our definition of what constitutes a family is also very different to what we once understood by that term. That change includes the rise of de facto relationships in… Read More »What’s the Difference Between a De Facto Relationship and Marriage?

Is Family Law Mediation Compulsory?

Under Australia’s Family Law Act 1975, separated families must first undertake family dispute mediation before approaching the court for orders about parenting. This requirement both helps the Family Court manage its workload and provides a more affordable, more accessible way for parties to a dispute about how their children will be raised come to an… Read More »Is Family Law Mediation Compulsory?

What Happens to a Business After or During Divorce?

When a couple separates or divorces, it is usually always required to distribute their assets between them. There is one legal concept that applies to all types of assets, regardless of their value: what is “fair and equitable” under the circumstances. When it comes to protecting more complicated assets, like a business, after a divorce,… Read More »What Happens to a Business After or During Divorce?

What to Expect At a Family Law Mediation for Property Division

Working out what to do with property assets when a couple decides to separate can be a difficult, stressful process. And it’s not made easier by the cost and inevitable delays involved if you need to go to court to have orders made about how everything should be divided. That’s where mediation offers a compelling… Read More »What to Expect At a Family Law Mediation for Property Division

What Is Included in a Matrimonial Property Pool?

Coming to a property settlement that meets the satisfaction of both parties is often the hardest part of a divorce. While it’s a necessary process so that you can both move on with your lives, working out the ‘pool’ of assets that need to be divided can be a complex process. Is it only the… Read More »What Is Included in a Matrimonial Property Pool?

How Are Contributions Assessed in Family Law Matters?

In the sad event that marriage or de facto relationship comes to an end, one of the most contentious areas when it comes to the disentangling of two lives is the property settlement. In particular, the issue of contributions by each party to the relationship can become a common sticking point in any division of… Read More »How Are Contributions Assessed in Family Law Matters?

How to Resolve Your Family Law Dispute Online

To say the COVID-19 pandemic is a game-changer may be a bit of an understatement. It has not only changed the way we live, but it has also changed the way we work. For Australian courts, that means using new technology to facilitate the resolution of conflicts such as family law disputes. According to reports,… Read More »How to Resolve Your Family Law Dispute Online

How to Prepare for a Property Settlement Mediation

When it comes to separation, some couples seemingly handle even the most difficult issues with ease and calm. Others, not so much. Some find it difficult to agree on anything — especially on how to divide property and assets. If that is the case for you and your partner, property settlement mediation can help. But… Read More »How to Prepare for a Property Settlement Mediation

The Costs Of Going To Court

The costs of going to court are staggering, yet many people still consider this as their only option when trying to resolve a dispute. Going to court to resolve conflict is increasingly considered as the worst way to get things sorted, with most courts in Australia now mandating that mediation or alternate dispute resolution is… Read More »The Costs Of Going To Court

A Simple Way to Understand Mediation

It’s likely that most people have probably heard of mediation but unless you know someone who has been through it, you may not know exactly what it is or how it works. Here is some simple information to help you understand mediation. What is mediation? Mediation is one means of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and… Read More »A Simple Way to Understand Mediation

How is Mediation Different from Collaborative Law?

One of the questions family lawyers often get is whether it is possible to get divorced without going to court. The answer is: yes. Dispute resolution has long been recognised as an option for people who want to avoid costly litigation. To most people, the concept is synonymous only with mediation but ‘collaborative law’ is… Read More »How is Mediation Different from Collaborative Law?

Five Benefits of Using Mediation to Resolve Divorce Issues

Divorce is one of the most difficult times in any person’s life. It’s made harder by the fact that while you’re struggling to come to terms with the end of an important relationship in your life, there are big issues to be resolved around property, finances and children. These days many people going through a… Read More »Five Benefits of Using Mediation to Resolve Divorce Issues

How You Can Reach an Agreement in Mediation

Mediation is a proven way for people to avoid going to court. Family law mediation, in particular, can save people who are going through the emotional trauma of a relationship ending a lot of stress, time and money because of its high success rate. The reason this form of negotiation works is because it brings… Read More »How You Can Reach an Agreement in Mediation

Mediation in Property Settlement Cases

When a couple decides to end their relationship, it’s usually the case that they wish to separate their lives as soon as practicably possible. This can prove difficult to do if you owned property together during the relationship. Settling property matters is an important step in being able to move forward with your life, particularly… Read More »Mediation in Property Settlement Cases

5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Mediation for Child Custody Disputes

When a couple’s relationship ends, things can become so bitter and emotional that people can think going to court is the only way to resolve the issues between them, including the custody and raising of any children from the union. But fighting through the court is generally a drawn-out, costly and adversarial process that can… Read More »5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Mediation for Child Custody Disputes

How to Get Ready for Property Settlement Mediation

When it comes to family law matters, none of us really want to go to court. Unfortunately when a couple separates, dividing up the property assets acquired either jointly or separately during the relationship can prove to be a conflict-riddled process that often ends in costly, time-consuming litigation. In many cases these days, separating couples… Read More »How to Get Ready for Property Settlement Mediation

The Role of the Lawyer in Mediation

These days mediation is a required step before many family law matters may proceed to court action. In many cases, the former partners will resolve their areas of disagreement at this stage, saving time, money and a lot of stress. The collaborative nature of mediation, guided by a neutral third party in the mediator, can… Read More »The Role of the Lawyer in Mediation

Difference Between Mediation and Conciliation

There are a variety of terms used in the area of alternative dispute resolution (usually referred to these days as just ‘dispute resolution’) and at times, they can be confusing. Two of the most common terms are mediation and conciliation. Both are common processes used in family law mediation. Both share many features but also… Read More »Difference Between Mediation and Conciliation

How Mediation Can Help in Financial Agreements

In the context of family law disputes, unfortunately for many, the default position is to seek legal help and pursue a resolution through litigation. Whilst this approach is largely borne out of people simply not knowing all of their options, it can be a dangerous and expensive approach. Australia’s Family Law Act 1975 recognises financial… Read More »How Mediation Can Help in Financial Agreements

Mediate, Collaborate or Litigate.

Mediate, Collaborate, or Litigate: In the realm of family law disputes, many default to seeking legal assistance and pursuing resolution through litigation. This approach, often stemming from a lack of awareness of alternative options, can prove costly and fraught with risks. A more advantageous approach is to adopt a resolution-focused mindset when addressing family law… Read More »Mediate, Collaborate or Litigate.

What Do I Need to Disclose in My Property Settlement Dispute?

The effective resolution of family law disputes mediation relating to property settlement relies upon transparency between you and your ex-partner to fully disclose relevant information to each other. Typically “disclosure” is discussed in the context of financial matters, but it also can relate to mediation parenting matters as well. The process of disclosing all relevant… Read More »What Do I Need to Disclose in My Property Settlement Dispute?

Nothing Alternate About Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Increasingly throughout the world alternate dispute resolution, be it through mediation, collaborative law or arbitration is becoming the norm, as courts more and more divert people in dispute away from litigation. What’s Wrong with Litigation? Litigation is lengthy, expensive, and emotional rollercoaster and rarely gives the results that those caught in it expected. Both courts… Read More »Nothing Alternate About Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Family Law Mediation. What Happens If I Don’t Want to Do It?

At the outset, there are circumstances in which mediation is not appropriate and we will detail them further in this article. In Australia and throughout the World there is a growing acknowledgment that litigation does not work, but for the very few who have no other alternative. Litigation is often lengthy, costly, have little regard… Read More »Family Law Mediation. What Happens If I Don’t Want to Do It?

How to Get Ready for Mediation

Mediation is a highly effective way of resolving family law dispute mediation to do with property or parenting matters. Generally speaking, the far majority of matters that are mediated are done so successfully saving separated couples tens and potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars, not to mention the emotional stress that lengthy litigation brings with… Read More »How to Get Ready for Mediation

Becoming Independent Sooner. How Mediation Can Help You Agree on Spousal Support

The last predicament you want to be in the following separation is without money. Yet it’s not uncommon for people to leave a relationship without properly considering everything. It goes without saying that once separated people can feel the financial brunt very quickly. That being the case, it doesn’t mean that you can’t turn things… Read More »Becoming Independent Sooner. How Mediation Can Help You Agree on Spousal Support

Is Mediation Expensive?

In the scheme of things, mediation is inexpensive when compared with the alternatives. But it also needs to be considered in the context of if successful, the massive amount of time and emotional energy you save in resolving in this manner as opposed to litigation. What is the cost of mediation? A mediation will range… Read More »Is Mediation Expensive?

The Different Ways to Resolve Family Law Disputes

There are now numerous ways to resolve property settlement mediation without having to go to court. For example, Australian courts make mediation a mandatory step in the litigation process. The reason for this is that judicial officers in family law jurisdictions have long argued that court intervention should only ever be the last resort and… Read More »The Different Ways to Resolve Family Law Disputes

How Does Mediation Help Co-Parenting

Most separated parents want to equally maintain parenting responsibilities. The success of this often depends on how amicable the relationship is between you and your ex-partner. It goes without saying that if you are both embroiled in long-standing litigation it’s probably more likely than not that any shared or co-parenting arrangement will be problematic. In… Read More »How Does Mediation Help Co-Parenting

When Should We Consider Property Settlement Mediation?

When Should We Consider Property Settlement? One myth that can trip up separating couples is the belief they need to wait for a divorce to finalize a property settlement. This is simply not true! Strict Time Frames for Property Settlements The time limit for property settlements in a marriage is 12 months following a divorce.… Read More »When Should We Consider Property Settlement Mediation?

How Much Does Mediation Cost?

The cost of mediation depends upon where you’re currently at in resolving your family law dispute and the type of dispute. There are a number of mediation avenues for you to consider in resolving your family law dispute. If your dispute relates to children or parenting, Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) is compulsory, which means that… Read More »How Much Does Mediation Cost?

Litigation or Mediation? Choose Very Wisely!

At the outset, let’s be very clear, mediation is not litigation. Litigation, of course, conjures up in the minds of many people, a battle to the end, with no real winners or losers, but rather most likely two battle fatigued people who are substantially poorer and more emotionally drained than they were when they chose… Read More »Litigation or Mediation? Choose Very Wisely!

I’m Contemplating Separation, Do I See a Lawyer or a Mediation Practice First?

I’m Contemplating Separation. Should I See a Lawyer or Mediator First? We encourage you to contact Mediations Australia first. Our team can answer your questions about mediation and assess if it’s the right approach for your situation. Family lawyers, while crucial in some cases, may be more inclined towards litigation due to the nature of… Read More »I’m Contemplating Separation, Do I See a Lawyer or a Mediation Practice First?

The Seven Most Common Questions About Mediation

Common Questions About Mediation 1. Why You Should Consider Mediation Numerous legal matters these days require you to attend mediation as a pre-requisite before having your matter heard in court. It’s the court’s way of sign-posting to you that it is far more effective and efficient to have your legal dispute handled this way, as… Read More »The Seven Most Common Questions About Mediation

Who gets to stay in the house during separation in Australia?

Who gets to stay in the house during separation in Australia? As soon as a couple decides to separate, one of the primary considerations will be who will continue living in their family home. Housing arrangements during divorce can be an intricate balancing act between legal, emotional and practical considerations – with decisions usually guided… Read More »Who gets to stay in the house during separation in Australia?

What if My Ex Dies Before Our Property Settlement is Finalised

When a couple separates or divorces, it's usual for legal and financial professionals to advise both parties to finalize their property settlement as quickly as possible. There are compelling reasons for this. One of these is to tie things up from a financial perspective in the event that something, like death, happens to one ofRead More »What if My Ex Dies Before Our Property Settlement is Finalised

Grandparents Custody and Parenting Orders in Australia

Grandparents Custody: Explore legal rights under Australia’s Family Law Act 1975, empowering grandparents to seek custody or visitation. Are you a grandparent concerned for the wellbeing of your grandchild and considering custody proceedings? In Australia, grandparents have legal rights to pursue custody orders under certain conditions based on Australia’s Family Law Act 1975; under such… Read More »Grandparents Custody and Parenting Orders in Australia

Domestic Violence: Recognizing the Signs and Finding Safety in Australia

Domestic Violence: One in Six. One in Sixteen. Did you know 1 in 6 women and 1 in 16 men in Australia have experienced domestic violence? These alarming statistics paint a stark picture of a reality that cuts across socioeconomic backgrounds, geographic locations, and demographics. Domestic violence isn’t just about physical abuse; it’s a complex… Read More »Domestic Violence: Recognizing the Signs and Finding Safety in Australia

Divorce Application Process: A Step-by-step Guide To Help

Divorce application process: Each year, thousands of Australians navigate the legal process to end their marriages. While divorce can be emotionally draining and stressful, support is available. This article’s purpose is to equip you with an understanding of Australia’s divorce application procedure so you feel more informed and in charge as this major life change… Read More »Divorce Application Process: A Step-by-step Guide To Help

When Child Support Stops: A Guide for Australian Parents

When Child Support Stops: A Guide for Parents in Sydney Raising a child is a team effort, even after separation. Child support agreements are put in place to ensure financial stability for your children. But what happens when those payments suddenly stop? It’s a frustrating situation many parents face in Sydney. If your ex-partner has… Read More »When Child Support Stops: A Guide for Australian Parents

Does a Husband Have to Support His Wife During Separation in Australia?

Does a Husband Have to Support His Wife During Separation? Separation can be a whirlwind of emotions and logistical hurdles. One of the key concerns for many couples is the financial aspect, particularly whether a husband is legally obligated to support his wife during this time in Australia. The answer isn’t a simple yes or… Read More »Does a Husband Have to Support His Wife During Separation in Australia?

What is Divorce Law in Australia?

Understanding Divorce Law in Australia Divorce can be a challenging and emotional process, and it’s essential to understand the legal framework that governs the dissolution of marriages in Australia. While many people believe that “divorce law” is a separate legal system, it is actually a part of the broader Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) (“the… Read More »What is Divorce Law in Australia?

How to Deal with High-Conflict Situations in Family Law Mediation

Take Home Message Family Law Mediation: Common in high-conflict situations like divorce and custody battles. Challenges: Unresolved grievances, emotions, and power imbalances can derail mediation. Preparation Key: Meticulous preparation by lawyers and mediators is crucial. Effective Communication: Active listening, setting ground rules, and managing conflicts are essential. Mediator’s Role: Establishing civility, deep diving into case… Read More »How to Deal with High-Conflict Situations in Family Law Mediation

My Ex Won’t Sign Divorce Papers

My Ex Won’t Sign Divorce Papers When a marriage comes to an end, the process of obtaining a divorce can be a challenging and emotionally charged experience. In some cases, one party may refuse to sign the divorce papers, further complicating an already difficult situation. If you find yourself in this predicament in Australia, it’s… Read More »My Ex Won’t Sign Divorce Papers

Mediation for Separation

Mediation for Separation in Australia: A Path to Amicable Resolution When a couple decides to part ways, the process of separation can be emotionally charged and legally complex. In Australia, mediation has become an increasingly popular option for couples seeking a more amicable and cost-effective approach to resolving disputes surrounding their separation. This article will… Read More »Mediation for Separation

How to Divorce Without Lawyers in Australia

Divorce is a challenging and emotionally charged process that can be both time-consuming and costly, especially when involving lawyers and court proceedings. However, in Australia, it is possible to navigate the divorce process without engaging lawyers, particularly if both parties are willing to cooperate and communicate effectively. Two alternative dispute resolution methods that can be… Read More »How to Divorce Without Lawyers in Australia

Post Prenup Agreement in Australia

Post Prenup Agreement A Post prenup agreement, also known as a binding financial agreement or a post-marriage agreement, is a legally binding contract between spouses that outlines their rights and responsibilities regarding financial matters during and after their marriage. In Australia, these agreements are governed by the Family Law Act 1975 and provide couples with… Read More »Post Prenup Agreement in Australia

How to Force a Property Settlement

How to Force a Property Settlement Navigating a property settlement after a relationship breakdown can be a complex and emotionally charged process, particularly when one party is reluctant to participate or intentionally delaying the proceedings. In such situations, it may become necessary to explore legal avenues to force a property settlement in Australia. This comprehensive… Read More »How to Force a Property Settlement

Ex Delaying Property Settlement. What to Do

Ex Delaying Property Settlement Take Home Message Dealing with an ex-partner delaying property settlement process in Australia can be frustrating and emotionally draining. Understanding the legal mechanisms in place to address delays is crucial to protect your rights. The property settlement process in Australia is governed by the Family Law Act 1975, involving steps such… Read More »Ex Delaying Property Settlement. What to Do

Section 79 of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth). Everything You Need to Know

Section 79 of the Family Law Act 1975 in Australia is crucial for regulating property interests between divorced spouses. It outlines principles for fair division of assets and liabilities by considering contributions, future needs, and other relevant factors. The court follows a four-step process to determine property division, taking into account pre-relationship and post-separation assets.… Read More »Section 79 of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth). Everything You Need to Know

Parenting Payments in Australia

Are you a new parent in Australia? Congratulations and welcome to the world of parenting! As of 2023, there have been some changes in the parenting payments system that you should know about. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here’s everything you need to know about parenting payments in Australia.Read More »

Understanding Divorce Laws in NSW

Divorce is often a difficult and emotional process, but it doesn’t have to be confusing! Understanding the laws in NSW can make the process smoother and less stressful. Here’s what you need to know.Read More »

How to Get a Divorce in New South Wales

Getting a divorce in New South Wales doesn’t have to be daunting. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process with ease!Read More »

Family Law Mediation for Property Settlements

Family Law Mediation for Property Settlements Divorce can be a difficult and emotional process, and one of the most challenging aspects is figuring out how to divide your property and assets. In many cases, couples can agree on how to divide their property, but in others, it can be a long and complicated process. That’s… Read More »Family Law Mediation for Property Settlements

Do I need to attend Mediation in family law matters?

Discover the importance of attending mediation in your family law matter.Read More »

How Are Assets Divided In A Divorce

Discover the intricate process of asset division in a divorce in Australia as we delve into the legal framework, considerations, and factors that play a crucial role in determining a fair and equitable distribution of assets.Read More »

Child travel overseas after a separation: is it allowed?

Discover the rules and regulations surrounding international travel for children after a separation.Read More »

What is Arbitration in Family Law Matters in Australia

Discover the ins and outs of arbitration in family law matters in Australia.Read More »

Impact of Joint Tenancy and Divorce in Australia

Discover the intricate web of joint tenancy and divorce in Australia.Read More »

What is Conciliation in Family Law Matters in Australia

Discover the ins and outs of conciliation in family law matters in Australia.Read More »

The Best Divorce Lawyers in Sydney

Discover the top divorce lawyers in Sydney who excel in navigating complex legalities, ensuring a smooth and fair separation.Read More »

The Marriage Separation Process in NSW

Discover the step-by-step guide to navigating the marriage separation process in New South Wales.Read More »

Best Co-Parenting Apps for Separated Parents in Australia

If parenting can be hard, parenting after a separation can be exponentially harder. To do it well, take advantage of all the help you can get. One form of help available to you is a co-parenting app. Co-Parenting Apps for Managing Schedules and Communication In the eyes of Australian family law, co-parenting is not merely… Read More »Best Co-Parenting Apps for Separated Parents in Australia

What is the Difference between a Parenting Plan and Parenting Orders?

Discover the key distinctions between a Parenting Plan and Parenting Orders in this insightful article.Read More »

How Do I Contact Centrelink in Australia?

Discover the easiest ways to contact Centrelink in Australia and get the assistance you need.Read More »

Can I Divorce Without a Lawyer in Australia?

Discover the ins and outs of divorcing without a lawyer in Australia.Read More »

What Is A 60/40 Split In Divorce In Australia?

Discover everything you need to know about the intriguing concept of a 60/40 split in divorce settlements in Australia.Read More »

What is Child Custody Mediation

What is Child Custody Mediation Many people have questions about the mediation process. It is a compulsory step when there are parenting matters in dispute, hence the question, what is child custody mediation? Separation and divorce are difficult for everyone involved: you, your ex-partner, your children, and your extended family. When emotions are high and… Read More »What is Child Custody Mediation

Applying for a Divorce in Australia: What You Need to Know

Divorcing in Australia involves various key considerations, including cost, duration and process. We will delve deeper into these aspects so you have a thorough understanding of what awaits when going through a divorce in Australia. Divorce in Australia: Costs At the forefront of any divorce decision is financial considerations. In Australia, the fee to file… Read More »Applying for a Divorce in Australia: What You Need to Know

Shuttle Mediation. What You Need to Know

Shuttle Mediation in Australian Family Law Mediation has become an increasingly popular method of resolving family law disputes in Australia, offering a less adversarial and more cost-effective alternative to traditional court proceedings. One specific form of mediation that has gained traction in recent years is shuttle mediation. In this article, we will explore what shuttle… Read More »Shuttle Mediation. What You Need to Know

What is Alimony in Australia?

Alimony in Australia Alimony, also known as spousal maintenance, is a legal term that refers to the financial support provided by one spouse to the other after the breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship. This support is typically intended to assist the recipient spouse in maintaining a reasonable standard of living, especially if… Read More »What is Alimony in Australia?

What is the Mediation Process?

When it comes to separation and divorce, the mediation process can be a difficult but necessary step to take. The process of family law mediation in Australia helps separating couples to resolve their disagreements and come to an agreement about issues such as property, parenting, and financial matters. This blog post will provide a comprehensive… Read More »What is the Mediation Process?

How Long Do Consent Orders Take in Family Law Matters?

In family law matters in Australia, consent orders are a common way to ratify an agreement made in a family law dispute. They offer parties the opportunity to make their own decisions about parenting arrangements and property settlements, without the need for a lengthy and costly court process. However, one question that often comes up… Read More »How Long Do Consent Orders Take in Family Law Matters?

Everything You Need to Know About the Family Court Mediation Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Divorce can be a painful experience, and it is made even more difficult when there are children involved. The cost of fighting over child custody in court can be a major source of pain for everyone involved. Couples who disagree can find help to work toward solutions that are best for their families in places… Read More »Everything You Need to Know About the Family Court Mediation Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Divorce Law Near Me

Divorce Law Near Me: Get the Right Help If you’re considering divorce or separation in Australia, it’s important to understand the relevant laws and processes. Divorce law can be complex, and having the right legal guidance and representation is crucial. In this article, we’ll provide an overview of key aspects of divorce law in Australia… Read More »Divorce Law Near Me

What Do I Do if My Former Partner Will Not Do Mediation?

Introduction to Family Dispute Resolution in Australia Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) is an important part of the family law system in Australia, providing an opportunity for separated couples to resolve their disputes outside of court. FDR is a process that involves the assistance of an independent third party, known as a family dispute resolution practitioner… Read More »What Do I Do if My Former Partner Will Not Do Mediation?

Stepparent Rights and Family Law in Australia

Stepparents play a significant role in the lives of many children in Australia. They may have entered the family through marriage or a de facto relationship, and they often build close relationships with their stepchildren. However, stepparents may face challenges when it comes to legal rights and obligations. In this article, we will explore stepparent… Read More »Stepparent Rights and Family Law in Australia

Duty of Disclosure in Australian Family Law

In Australian family law, parties involved in legal proceedings have a duty of disclosure, which requires them to provide all relevant information to the other party. This duty is an essential aspect of the legal process as it enables both parties to have access to all the necessary information to make informed decisions. What is… Read More »Duty of Disclosure in Australian Family Law

Binding Financial Agreement. What You Need to Know

What are Binding Financial Agreements (BFA)? BFA’s are a great way to protect yourself and your loved ones. As you may know, the law can be confusing and complicated, so it’s important to have a lawyer who can help. A BFA is a legal document that outlines how much money each spouse will receive in case of… Read More »Binding Financial Agreement. What You Need to Know

How to Protect Your Online Privacy Following Separation

There are several steps that you can take to protect your online privacy following a separation in Australia: Change all passwords: It is important to change the passwords for all of your online accounts, including social media, email, and online banking. Consider using a password manager to generate and store strong, unique passwords for each… Read More »How to Protect Your Online Privacy Following Separation

How to Make Changes to a Parenting Order

In Australia, parenting orders are made by a court to determine the arrangements for the care, welfare, and development of a child, including where the child will live and the time they will spend with each parent. These orders can be varied, or changed, if there has been a significant change in circumstances since the… Read More »How to Make Changes to a Parenting Order

Final Hearing in Family Law Disputes

What is a final hearing in family law in Australia? A final hearing in family law in Australia is a court proceeding in which a judge makes a final decision on the issues in a family law case. These issues may include matters related to the care and protection of children, property division, and spousal… Read More »Final Hearing in Family Law Disputes

Consent Orders. All Your Questions Answered. 2023 Update

What are Consent Orders? A consent order is a legally binding agreement that is made between parties involved in a legal dispute and is approved by a court in Australia. It is used as a way to resolve a dispute without the need for a full trial or hearing. Consent orders can be made in… Read More »Consent Orders. All Your Questions Answered. 2023 Update

Commonly Asked Family Law Questions

When Can I Get a Divorce in Australia? In Australia, a couple can apply for a divorce if they have been separated for a period of at least 12 months. This means that the couple must have been living separately and apart for at least 12 months, with no reasonable likelihood of resuming their relationship.… Read More »Commonly Asked Family Law Questions

What Happens to Superannuation if I Separate or Divorce?

The regulations governing superannuation splitting permit divorcing couples to appraise and distribute their super benefits after their marriage has ended. According to the legislation, after a separation, one partner may divide the balance in their superannuation fund and contribute to the superannuation fund of the other partner. Superannuation is treated as property under the Family… Read More »What Happens to Superannuation if I Separate or Divorce?

How to Sell Property During a Divorce

Selling Property During a Divorce Divorce is a challenging process on both an emotional and financial level. Unfortunately, the split of a couple’s assets is the one item that cannot be avoided during a time like this. While some couples may go through this without any issues, many find it impossible to distribute their assets… Read More »How to Sell Property During a Divorce

Divorce Property Settlement Examples in Australia

Divorce Property Settlement Examples in Australia In Australia, when a couple decides to end their marriage, one of the most significant aspects to consider is the division of property. Divorce property settlements can be complex and emotionally charged, requiring careful consideration of various factors. To provide insight into this topic, this article will explore what… Read More »Divorce Property Settlement Examples in Australia

How Do I Change a Consent Order?

Can I Change Consent Orders? This is a common question asked by many people. But before we answer the question, let’s give some context. How do Consent Orders work? When two individuals separate, they typically want to come to an agreement on how their financial assets will be divided and how their children will be… Read More »How Do I Change a Consent Order?

What are Family Reports in Family Law Matters?

What is a Family Report? The court may direct a family consultant to submit a family report on subjects the court deems relevant under Section 62G(2) of the Family Law Act (1975). But what exactly does this imply? A Family Report is a document written by a court-appointed psychologist or social worker (typically one of… Read More »What are Family Reports in Family Law Matters?

The Difference Between a Divorce Lawyer and a Mediator

With the heightened emotions (and sometimes anger) that accompany the end of a marriage or de facto partnership, many people believe that hiring a lawyer to put on the proverbial boxing gloves and to fight for them is the only way to go proceed through the maze of family law. Nothing could be further from… Read More »The Difference Between a Divorce Lawyer and a Mediator

Trial Separation: Everything You Need to Know

Trial Separation A trial separation is not the same as a real separation or divorce, but it can be just as unpleasant and frightening for the spouse who does not want to separate. Living apart but preserving your marriage status allows you and your partner to honestly assess your concerns and issues without completely pulling… Read More »Trial Separation: Everything You Need to Know

Family Court Process. 2022 Update

The Family Court Process A court application can be brought in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia if the parties cannot reach an amicable agreement through a parenting plan, consent orders, and/or a financial agreement. A variety of rules control the family court process. When the parties have exhausted all efforts, through their… Read More »Family Court Process. 2022 Update

Pre-Separation Checklist

Important Things to Consider Before Separation Separation, in the worst-case scenario, involves a person leaving the marital or de facto home in haste and not returning. Conversely, the best-case scenario is when someone leaves after exploring all the options, both in regard to reconciling the relationship and of course, in the event that it’s unlikely,… Read More »Pre-Separation Checklist

Divorce & Splitting Assets. 2022 Guide

When people consider divorce, soon after they think of splitting assets. While the term, “divorce splitting assets” is a term often searched in Google, you of course don’t need to be divorced before splitting assets. In fact, it’s recommended that you do it soon after separation. In this article, we’ll let you know everything about… Read More »Divorce & Splitting Assets. 2022 Guide

Divorce Property Settlement – Your Best Options in 2022

Separation from a relationship can be a traumatic and stressful experience. When a relationship ends, it’s never easy, and it’s common for people to feel adrift and unsure of what to do next. At the forefront of their mind, is often a divorce property settlement. Aside from the emotional toll, there are also financial and… Read More »Divorce Property Settlement – Your Best Options in 2022

How to Get Divorce Papers. The 2022 Guide

By far, The best way to get divorce papers is to apply for a divorce online. In this 2022 guide, we will let you know the best way to get divorce papers. You can also talk to one of our lawyers at Mediations Australia. To begin, you must have been legally separated from your spouse… Read More »How to Get Divorce Papers. The 2022 Guide

Fathers Rights in Family Law. 2022 Update

When it comes to ‘father’s rights’ in parenting matters, it’s vital to remember that under the Family Law Act 1975, there are no men’s rights vs. women’s rights. In fact, the child’s rights are the only ones that the Court is legally required to consider. A child has a right to be cared for by… Read More »Fathers Rights in Family Law. 2022 Update

What if My Ex Dies Before Our Property Settlement is Finalised

When a couple separates or divorces, it's usual for legal and financial professionals to advise both parties to finalize their property settlement as quickly as possible. There are compelling reasons for this. One of these is to tie things up from a financial perspective in the event that something, like death, happens to one ofRead More »What if My Ex Dies Before Our Property Settlement is Finalised

Grandparent’s Rights. How To See Your Grandchildren. 2022 Update

Grandparents’ rights are frequently impacted by relationship failures, and this is sometimes overlooked when discussing divorce and separation. Grandparents play a fundamentally important role in children’s lives and all needs to be done to ensure that the connection between children and their grandparents continues despite the separation of the parents. But importantly, when considering grandparent’s… Read More »Grandparent’s Rights. How To See Your Grandchildren. 2022 Update

What are the Mother’s Rights in Family Law

Historically, when considering a mother’s or father’s rights when it comes to custody of the children, mothers were granted custody in the far majority of cases. Legislation enacted in 2006 was the foundation for this weighted decision-making by family courts. However, now, mothers’ rights are not recognised by Australian family law. Fathers’ rights are also… Read More »What are the Mother’s Rights in Family Law

What You Need to Know About Parenting Coordination. 2022 Update

Parenting Coordination is not a new thing, there has been a shift toward parents hiring a Parenting Coordinator to help them navigate and, hopefully, resolve issues that may emerge in regard to parenting plans. The use of a Parenting Coordinator has been increasingly popular in recent years, with the purpose of reducing friction between parents… Read More »What You Need to Know About Parenting Coordination. 2022 Update

Why You Have to Update Your Will After Separation

Separation from a partner or spouse can be a very stressful time for everyone involved. A plethora of issues must be considered, ranging from property settlement to child support and all in between. One aspect of this process that should never be overlooked is the evaluation and update of your estate plan. It is possible… Read More »Why You Have to Update Your Will After Separation

Pets and Family Law. Who Gets the Pets After Separation?

Parenting arrangements and/or property settlements are at the forefront of most couples’ minds when they separate or divorce. But what happens to the family dog, cat, or other pets that were once a member of the household? Pet ownership has increased significantly in Australia throughout the past two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, with 69… Read More »Pets and Family Law. Who Gets the Pets After Separation?

What You Need to Know About Parenting Plans

When a couple with a child or children divorces or ends their de facto relationship, challenges can develop as a result of the dissolution of the marriage or de facto relationship, with the most likely issue being what will happen to the children. Obviously, in family law disputes, it’s the most important consideration. Among the… Read More »What You Need to Know About Parenting Plans

What is the Role of an Independent Children’s Lawyer?

In complex parenting cases, a judge may order the appointment of an independent children’s lawyer (ICL). Parties may also request the appointment of an ICL if they can demonstrate to the court that it is essential. An independent children’s lawyer, according to the Family Law Act of 1975, is a legal practitioner with specific training… Read More »What is the Role of an Independent Children’s Lawyer?

What is a DVO? How to Apply for a Domestic Violence Order

What is the definition of a DVO (domestic violence order)? Domestic violence has been recognised as a serious public health concern in Australia during the last decade, with 17 percent of women and 6% of males having experienced physical or sexual assault from a current or former partner since they were 15 years old. Domestic… Read More »What is a DVO? How to Apply for a Domestic Violence Order

Can You Record Your Ex Without Permission

Unless you’re protecting yourself or your property, it’s illegal to record someone without their agreement under state law. If you are convicted of filming someone without their consent, you might face up to five years in prison, depending on the severity of the crime. There is no problem of illegality if you have your spouse’s… Read More »Can You Record Your Ex Without Permission

De Facto Relationships and Prenups. What You Have to Know

Prenuptial agreements, also known as ‘Binding Financial Agreements‘ in Australia, are a delicate and frequently misunderstood topic. Some people mistakenly believe that these types of Financial Agreements indicate that a relationship is in trouble, although this is rarely the case. People get life insurance not because they anticipate dying soon, but because they want to… Read More »De Facto Relationships and Prenups. What You Have to Know

How Long Does it Take to Get a Divorce?

In Australia, how long does it take to get a divorce granted? Many people considering divorce or separation often ponder this very subject, whether it is because they wish to move on with their lives or for any other reason. Among the objectives of this article are to offer a general understanding of the subject… Read More »How Long Does it Take to Get a Divorce?

Family Law Separation Agreements. The 2022 Guide

A separation agreement is a legally enforceable instrument that formalizes the distribution of your assets upon your divorce. Considering that a separation agreement is legally enforceable, each party to such an agreement must carefully analyze their choices and choose whether or not signing a separation agreement is in their best interests before proceeding. What are… Read More »Family Law Separation Agreements. The 2022 Guide

Understanding Intervention Orders: Everything You Need to Know

Domestic and family violence is a terrible fact of Australian life, affecting many thousands of people every year. The type of harmful behaviour that can be encompassed by this sort of violence includes physical intimidation of one person by another, including hitting or pushing them, as well as sexual, emotional, psychological and even financial abuse.… Read More »Understanding Intervention Orders: Everything You Need to Know

Surrogacy Laws in Australia: The 2022 Legal Guide

What Exactly Is Surrogacy? A “surrogate” is a person who acts on behalf of another person in order to achieve a desired result; in other words, a “surrogate” is just a substitute. To put it another way, ‘surrogate parenting’ refers to one person, the surrogate, carrying a pregnancy on behalf of another person, often someone… Read More »Surrogacy Laws in Australia: The 2022 Legal Guide

Getting Divorced or Separated. The 2022 Guide

Separating or ending a marriage or de facto relationship can be an incredibly difficult period for all concerned. Though for some, it can be quite the contrary. Wherever you are on the journey, you need to know some legal basics. At Mediations Australia, we’re early-resolution focussed. We believe that family law matters should, unless absolutely… Read More »Getting Divorced or Separated. The 2022 Guide

The 2022 Guide for Preparing for Mediation

Mediation should be a collaborative process in which you and the other parties involved work together to address the issues and come to an agreement that you and your former partner can live with. Like every successful negotiation, there is give and take. If you’re not willing to give a little, your path to a… Read More »The 2022 Guide for Preparing for Mediation

When should I think about Parenting Mediation or Custody Mediation?

When parents cannot agree on issues that affect a child’s near and long term future, parental mediation is advised. These might include disagreements between you and your former partner like: Who the child should live with time spent with each parent where the child lives what childcare or school the child attends and their educational… Read More »When should I think about Parenting Mediation or Custody Mediation?

Binding Financial Agreements

What is a Binding Financial Agreement? A binding financial agreement is a term used in Australia to refer to a legally binding financial arrangement. Pre-nuptial agreements, also known as binding financial agreements (BFAs), are a contract or series of documents that control your property interests in the event of divorce or dissolution of a de… Read More »Binding Financial Agreements

What is a Restraining Order? Everything You Need to Know

Domestic violence is a growing problem in Australia, with one in three women experiencing physical violence in a relationship and about one in 16 men also suffering violence from their partner in a relationship. High profile cases such as the murder of Brisbane mother Hannah Clarke and her three children by her ex-partner in 2020… Read More »What is a Restraining Order? Everything You Need to Know

What is a DVO? Everything You Need to Know

Domestic violence affects men, women, children, and wider family members in a terribly damaging way. Around one in three women experience physical violence in a relationship after the age of 15. On average, one woman a week is murdered by her current or former partner. About one in 16 men also experience violence from their… Read More »What is a DVO? Everything You Need to Know

How are Contributions Assessed in Family Law Matters in 2022

In the sad event that marriage or de facto relationship comes to an end, one of the most contentious areas when it comes to the disentangling of two lives is the property settlement. In particular, the issue of contributions by each party to the relationship can become a common sticking point in any division of… Read More »How are Contributions Assessed in Family Law Matters in 2022

Consent Orders

If both parties are able to reach an agreement on how to divide their assets and/or on the care, welfare, and development of their children, the Family Court can issue orders based on their mutual agreement, which is known as consent, in order to resolve their differences. Neither of you will have to attend in… Read More »Consent Orders

What am I Entitled to in a Divorce or Separation in Australia

Despite the fact that the notion of sharing things 50/50 has been ingrained in most of us since childhood, it is not necessarily the most equal approach, particularly in the context of family law. Numerous separating or divorcing couples make the mistake of assuming that all that is required of them is to keep everything… Read More »What am I Entitled to in a Divorce or Separation in Australia

Divorce Application

Obtaining a Divorce Application If you have separated or are contemplating separation, the process of divorce will be front of mind. There are of course other much more significant things that occur following separation than the divorce process. Yes, it’s of course important, but ensure you’re well aware of all other things that need to… Read More »Divorce Application

De Facto Relationships

In Australia, de facto relationships are very common and are becoming more so. The Australian Bureau of Statistics has released fresh data on marriage and divorce rates, the average age at which people marry, and changes in the nature of relationships that lead to marriage in Australia. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, compared… Read More »De Facto Relationships

How Property Settlements Work

Making a property settlement without the help of a court is possible. In order to complete a property settlement without the help of the court system, there are a variety of tools accessible to you. You should, however, obtain legal advice from our team of Family Lawyers and Mediators at Mediations Australia to assist you… Read More »How Property Settlements Work

What am I entitled to in a Separation?

What am I entitled to in a separation? The most important questions you need to answer when you are separating from your partner are; what am I entitled to in a separation; how the assets will divide; what is the percentage of division? In Australia when a couple separates, there can be a misunderstanding of… Read More »What am I entitled to in a Separation?

The Cost of Divorce in Australia

Listen to this article instead The Cost of Divorce in Australia doesn’t have to be as high as you may think. It’s likely that you have heard of the horror stories of family lawyers who have charged so much that there wasn’t much left after they took out their fees. While those stories are sometimes… Read More »The Cost of Divorce in Australia

What’s the Difference Between a De Facto Relationship and Marriage?

Australian society has undergone significant change in many ways in recent decades. Not only do we look a lot more diverse than we once did, but our definition of what constitutes a family is also very different to what we once understood by that term. That change includes the rise of de facto relationships in… Read More »What’s the Difference Between a De Facto Relationship and Marriage?

Is Family Law Mediation Compulsory?

Under Australia’s Family Law Act 1975, separated families must first undertake family dispute mediation before approaching the court for orders about parenting. This requirement both helps the Family Court manage its workload and provides a more affordable, more accessible way for parties to a dispute about how their children will be raised come to an… Read More »Is Family Law Mediation Compulsory?

What Happens to a Business After or During Divorce?

When a couple separates or divorces, it is usually always required to distribute their assets between them. There is one legal concept that applies to all types of assets, regardless of their value: what is “fair and equitable” under the circumstances. When it comes to protecting more complicated assets, like a business, after a divorce,… Read More »What Happens to a Business After or During Divorce?

How Are Contributions Assessed in Family Law Matters?

In the sad event that marriage or de facto relationship comes to an end, one of the most contentious areas when it comes to the disentangling of two lives is the property settlement. In particular, the issue of contributions by each party to the relationship can become a common sticking point in any division of… Read More »How Are Contributions Assessed in Family Law Matters?

Family Law Mediation. What Happens If I Don’t Want to Do It?

At the outset, there are circumstances in which mediation is not appropriate and we will detail them further in this article. In Australia and throughout the World there is a growing acknowledgment that litigation does not work, but for the very few who have no other alternative. Litigation is often lengthy, costly, have little regard… Read More »Family Law Mediation. What Happens If I Don’t Want to Do It?

Who gets to stay in the house during separation in Australia?

Who gets to stay in the house during separation in Australia? As soon as a couple decides to separate, one of the primary considerations will be who will continue living in their family home. Housing arrangements during divorce can be an intricate balancing act between legal, emotional and practical considerations – with decisions usually guided… Read More »Who gets to stay in the house during separation in Australia?

Does a Husband Have to Support His Wife During Separation in Australia?

Does a Husband Have to Support His Wife During Separation? Separation can be a whirlwind of emotions and logistical hurdles. One of the key concerns for many couples is the financial aspect, particularly whether a husband is legally obligated to support his wife during this time in Australia. The answer isn’t a simple yes or… Read More »Does a Husband Have to Support His Wife During Separation in Australia?

What is Divorce Law in Australia?

Understanding Divorce Law in Australia Divorce can be a challenging and emotional process, and it’s essential to understand the legal framework that governs the dissolution of marriages in Australia. While many people believe that “divorce law” is a separate legal system, it is actually a part of the broader Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) (“the… Read More »What is Divorce Law in Australia?

How to Deal with High-Conflict Situations in Family Law Mediation

Take Home Message Family Law Mediation: Common in high-conflict situations like divorce and custody battles. Challenges: Unresolved grievances, emotions, and power imbalances can derail mediation. Preparation Key: Meticulous preparation by lawyers and mediators is crucial. Effective Communication: Active listening, setting ground rules, and managing conflicts are essential. Mediator’s Role: Establishing civility, deep diving into case… Read More »How to Deal with High-Conflict Situations in Family Law Mediation

Mediation for Separation

Mediation for Separation in Australia: A Path to Amicable Resolution When a couple decides to part ways, the process of separation can be emotionally charged and legally complex. In Australia, mediation has become an increasingly popular option for couples seeking a more amicable and cost-effective approach to resolving disputes surrounding their separation. This article will… Read More »Mediation for Separation

How to Divorce Without Lawyers in Australia

Divorce is a challenging and emotionally charged process that can be both time-consuming and costly, especially when involving lawyers and court proceedings. However, in Australia, it is possible to navigate the divorce process without engaging lawyers, particularly if both parties are willing to cooperate and communicate effectively. Two alternative dispute resolution methods that can be… Read More »How to Divorce Without Lawyers in Australia

Difference Between Mediator and Conciliator

Understanding the Roles: Mediator vs. Conciliator In the world of alternative dispute resolution, the terms “mediator” and “conciliator” are often used interchangeably, but there are distinct differences between these two roles. While both aim to facilitate constructive dialogue and help parties reach mutually agreeable solutions, their approaches and techniques can vary. Let’s explore the nuances… Read More »Difference Between Mediator and Conciliator

How to Force a Property Settlement

How to Force a Property Settlement Navigating a property settlement after a relationship breakdown can be a complex and emotionally charged process, particularly when one party is reluctant to participate or intentionally delaying the proceedings. In such situations, it may become necessary to explore legal avenues to force a property settlement in Australia. This comprehensive… Read More »How to Force a Property Settlement

Ex Delaying Property Settlement. What to Do

Ex Delaying Property Settlement Take Home Message Dealing with an ex-partner delaying property settlement process in Australia can be frustrating and emotionally draining. Understanding the legal mechanisms in place to address delays is crucial to protect your rights. The property settlement process in Australia is governed by the Family Law Act 1975, involving steps such… Read More »Ex Delaying Property Settlement. What to Do

Section 79 of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth). Everything You Need to Know

Section 79 of the Family Law Act 1975 in Australia is crucial for regulating property interests between divorced spouses. It outlines principles for fair division of assets and liabilities by considering contributions, future needs, and other relevant factors. The court follows a four-step process to determine property division, taking into account pre-relationship and post-separation assets.… Read More »Section 79 of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth). Everything You Need to Know

Parenting Payments in Australia

Are you a new parent in Australia? Congratulations and welcome to the world of parenting! As of 2023, there have been some changes in the parenting payments system that you should know about. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here’s everything you need to know about parenting payments in Australia.Read More »

Understanding Divorce Laws in NSW

Divorce is often a difficult and emotional process, but it doesn’t have to be confusing! Understanding the laws in NSW can make the process smoother and less stressful. Here’s what you need to know.Read More »

Family Law Mediation for Property Settlements

Family Law Mediation for Property Settlements Divorce can be a difficult and emotional process, and one of the most challenging aspects is figuring out how to divide your property and assets. In many cases, couples can agree on how to divide their property, but in others, it can be a long and complicated process. That’s… Read More »Family Law Mediation for Property Settlements

Do I need to attend Mediation in family law matters?

Discover the importance of attending mediation in your family law matter.Read More »

The Best Divorce Lawyers in Sydney

Discover the top divorce lawyers in Sydney who excel in navigating complex legalities, ensuring a smooth and fair separation.Read More »

What is the Difference between a Parenting Plan and Parenting Orders?

Discover the key distinctions between a Parenting Plan and Parenting Orders in this insightful article.Read More »

Can I Divorce Without a Lawyer in Australia?

Discover the ins and outs of divorcing without a lawyer in Australia.Read More »

What Is A 60/40 Split In Divorce In Australia?

Discover everything you need to know about the intriguing concept of a 60/40 split in divorce settlements in Australia.Read More »

What is Child Custody Mediation

What is Child Custody Mediation Many people have questions about the mediation process. It is a compulsory step when there are parenting matters in dispute, hence the question, what is child custody mediation? Separation and divorce are difficult for everyone involved: you, your ex-partner, your children, and your extended family. When emotions are high and… Read More »What is Child Custody Mediation

Shuttle Mediation. What You Need to Know

Shuttle Mediation in Australian Family Law Mediation has become an increasingly popular method of resolving family law disputes in Australia, offering a less adversarial and more cost-effective alternative to traditional court proceedings. One specific form of mediation that has gained traction in recent years is shuttle mediation. In this article, we will explore what shuttle… Read More »Shuttle Mediation. What You Need to Know

What is Alimony in Australia?

Alimony in Australia Alimony, also known as spousal maintenance, is a legal term that refers to the financial support provided by one spouse to the other after the breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship. This support is typically intended to assist the recipient spouse in maintaining a reasonable standard of living, especially if… Read More »What is Alimony in Australia?

What is the Mediation Process?

When it comes to separation and divorce, the mediation process can be a difficult but necessary step to take. The process of family law mediation in Australia helps separating couples to resolve their disagreements and come to an agreement about issues such as property, parenting, and financial matters. This blog post will provide a comprehensive… Read More »What is the Mediation Process?

How to Resolve Your Property Settlement with Mediation in Australia

Property settlement is a crucial step when it comes to the division of assets and liabilities between separating couples in Australia. This process can often be complex and emotionally challenging, but there are ways to resolve it amicably and efficiently. One such method is mediation, which has proven to be a highly effective means of… Read More »How to Resolve Your Property Settlement with Mediation in Australia

What is Mediation in Family Law

Mediation plays a crucial role in resolving disputes within the realm of family law. Whether it’s a divorce, child custody arrangement, or property division, mediation offers a private and cost-effective alternative to traditional litigation. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of mediation in family law, the role of mediators, the process of… Read More »What is Mediation in Family Law

Everything You Need to Know About the Family Court Mediation Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Divorce can be a painful experience, and it is made even more difficult when there are children involved. The cost of fighting over child custody in court can be a major source of pain for everyone involved. Couples who disagree can find help to work toward solutions that are best for their families in places… Read More »Everything You Need to Know About the Family Court Mediation Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Points to Consider Family Mediation Lawyers in Australia

Family Mediation Lawyers: Important Points to Consider in Australia Welcome to Mediations Australia, where we understand the complexities and challenges that families face when it comes to disputes, separations, and divorces. We know that these situations can be overwhelming and emotionally draining, but we believe that there is a better way to resolve conflicts and… Read More »Points to Consider Family Mediation Lawyers in Australia

Divorce Law Near Me

Divorce Law Near Me: Get the Right Help If you’re considering divorce or separation in Australia, it’s important to understand the relevant laws and processes. Divorce law can be complex, and having the right legal guidance and representation is crucial. In this article, we’ll provide an overview of key aspects of divorce law in Australia… Read More »Divorce Law Near Me

What Do I Do if My Former Partner Will Not Do Mediation?

Introduction to Family Dispute Resolution in Australia Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) is an important part of the family law system in Australia, providing an opportunity for separated couples to resolve their disputes outside of court. FDR is a process that involves the assistance of an independent third party, known as a family dispute resolution practitioner… Read More »What Do I Do if My Former Partner Will Not Do Mediation?

How to Protect Your Online Privacy Following Separation

There are several steps that you can take to protect your online privacy following a separation in Australia: Change all passwords: It is important to change the passwords for all of your online accounts, including social media, email, and online banking. Consider using a password manager to generate and store strong, unique passwords for each… Read More »How to Protect Your Online Privacy Following Separation

In a Divorce Who Gets What?

In Australia, the laws governing the distribution of property and assets during a divorce are contained in the Family Law Act 1975. The general principle is that the court will aim to divide the property and assets of the parties in a just and equitable manner, having regard to the financial and non-financial contributions made… Read More »In a Divorce Who Gets What?

What is Workplace Mediation? 2023 Important Update

Workplace mediation is a process that involves the use of a neutral third party, known as a mediator, to facilitate communication and negotiate a resolution to conflicts or disputes that arise in the workplace. Workplace mediation can be used to resolve a variety of issues, including interpersonal conflicts, communication problems, performance issues, and disputes over… Read More »What is Workplace Mediation? 2023 Important Update

How to Make Changes to a Parenting Order

In Australia, parenting orders are made by a court to determine the arrangements for the care, welfare, and development of a child, including where the child will live and the time they will spend with each parent. These orders can be varied, or changed, if there has been a significant change in circumstances since the… Read More »How to Make Changes to a Parenting Order

Mediation or Litigation. What is the Best?

In family law cases in Australia, parties have the option of resolving their disputes through either mediation or litigation. Both approaches have their own benefits and drawbacks, and the right option for a particular case will depend on the specific circumstances of the case. Mediation is a voluntary, confidential process in which a trained mediator… Read More »Mediation or Litigation. What is the Best?

How Do I Change a Consent Order?

Can I Change Consent Orders? This is a common question asked by many people. But before we answer the question, let’s give some context. How do Consent Orders work? When two individuals separate, they typically want to come to an agreement on how their financial assets will be divided and how their children will be… Read More »How Do I Change a Consent Order?

The Difference Between a Divorce Lawyer and a Mediator

With the heightened emotions (and sometimes anger) that accompany the end of a marriage or de facto partnership, many people believe that hiring a lawyer to put on the proverbial boxing gloves and to fight for them is the only way to go proceed through the maze of family law. Nothing could be further from… Read More »The Difference Between a Divorce Lawyer and a Mediator

Trial Separation: Everything You Need to Know

Trial Separation A trial separation is not the same as a real separation or divorce, but it can be just as unpleasant and frightening for the spouse who does not want to separate. Living apart but preserving your marriage status allows you and your partner to honestly assess your concerns and issues without completely pulling… Read More »Trial Separation: Everything You Need to Know

Family Court Process. 2022 Update

The Family Court Process A court application can be brought in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia if the parties cannot reach an amicable agreement through a parenting plan, consent orders, and/or a financial agreement. A variety of rules control the family court process. When the parties have exhausted all efforts, through their… Read More »Family Court Process. 2022 Update

Divorce Property Settlement – Your Best Options in 2022

Separation from a relationship can be a traumatic and stressful experience. When a relationship ends, it’s never easy, and it’s common for people to feel adrift and unsure of what to do next. At the forefront of their mind, is often a divorce property settlement. Aside from the emotional toll, there are also financial and… Read More »Divorce Property Settlement – Your Best Options in 2022

What is a DVO? Everything You Need to Know

Domestic violence affects men, women, children, and wider family members in a terribly damaging way. Around one in three women experience physical violence in a relationship after the age of 15. On average, one woman a week is murdered by her current or former partner. About one in 16 men also experience violence from their… Read More »What is a DVO? Everything You Need to Know

What am I Entitled to in a Divorce or Separation in Australia

Despite the fact that the notion of sharing things 50/50 has been ingrained in most of us since childhood, it is not necessarily the most equal approach, particularly in the context of family law. Numerous separating or divorcing couples make the mistake of assuming that all that is required of them is to keep everything… Read More »What am I Entitled to in a Divorce or Separation in Australia

Can My Ex Wife Claim Money after Divorce in Australia

If the relationship between you and your former partner has ended, you’re able to file an Application in the Family Law Courts to seek an Order outlining how the assets acquired during your relationship should be divided between you both. In most cases, the parties to the relationship will seek to negotiate a mutually agreed… Read More »Can My Ex Wife Claim Money after Divorce in Australia

De Facto Relationships

In Australia, de facto relationships are very common and are becoming more so. The Australian Bureau of Statistics has released fresh data on marriage and divorce rates, the average age at which people marry, and changes in the nature of relationships that lead to marriage in Australia. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, compared… Read More »De Facto Relationships

How Property Settlements Work

Making a property settlement without the help of a court is possible. In order to complete a property settlement without the help of the court system, there are a variety of tools accessible to you. You should, however, obtain legal advice from our team of Family Lawyers and Mediators at Mediations Australia to assist you… Read More »How Property Settlements Work

The Cost of Divorce in Australia

Listen to this article instead The Cost of Divorce in Australia doesn’t have to be as high as you may think. It’s likely that you have heard of the horror stories of family lawyers who have charged so much that there wasn’t much left after they took out their fees. While those stories are sometimes… Read More »The Cost of Divorce in Australia

What is a Section 60I Certificate & Why Do I Need One?

Listen to this article instead: Mediation in recent years has been a mandatory step to resolving family law disputes. It is required under the relevant legislation, in this case, the Family Law Act 1975 that separating couples need to show the court that they have made a genuine attempt to resolve the dispute through mediation… Read More »What is a Section 60I Certificate & Why Do I Need One?

How to Convince Your Ex-Partner to Do Mediation

As much as we want to make relationships work, there are times when it is difficult for those involved to resolve issues on their own. When it comes to parenting and property matters post-separation, unfortunately, emotions can override common sense. The consequences of which can be extraordinarily expensive and lengthy. The bottom line is that… Read More »How to Convince Your Ex-Partner to Do Mediation

What Happens to a Business After or During Divorce?

When a couple separates or divorces, it is usually always required to distribute their assets between them. There is one legal concept that applies to all types of assets, regardless of their value: what is “fair and equitable” under the circumstances. When it comes to protecting more complicated assets, like a business, after a divorce,… Read More »What Happens to a Business After or During Divorce?

What to Expect At a Family Law Mediation for Property Division

Working out what to do with property assets when a couple decides to separate can be a difficult, stressful process. And it’s not made easier by the cost and inevitable delays involved if you need to go to court to have orders made about how everything should be divided. That’s where mediation offers a compelling… Read More »What to Expect At a Family Law Mediation for Property Division

The Costs Of Going To Court

The costs of going to court are staggering, yet many people still consider this as their only option when trying to resolve a dispute. Going to court to resolve conflict is increasingly considered as the worst way to get things sorted, with most courts in Australia now mandating that mediation or alternate dispute resolution is… Read More »The Costs Of Going To Court

A Simple Way to Understand Mediation

It’s likely that most people have probably heard of mediation but unless you know someone who has been through it, you may not know exactly what it is or how it works. Here is some simple information to help you understand mediation. What is mediation? Mediation is one means of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and… Read More »A Simple Way to Understand Mediation

How is Mediation Different from Collaborative Law?

One of the questions family lawyers often get is whether it is possible to get divorced without going to court. The answer is: yes. Dispute resolution has long been recognised as an option for people who want to avoid costly litigation. To most people, the concept is synonymous only with mediation but ‘collaborative law’ is… Read More »How is Mediation Different from Collaborative Law?

Five Benefits of Using Mediation to Resolve Divorce Issues

Divorce is one of the most difficult times in any person’s life. It’s made harder by the fact that while you’re struggling to come to terms with the end of an important relationship in your life, there are big issues to be resolved around property, finances and children. These days many people going through a… Read More »Five Benefits of Using Mediation to Resolve Divorce Issues

How You Can Reach an Agreement in Mediation

Mediation is a proven way for people to avoid going to court. Family law mediation, in particular, can save people who are going through the emotional trauma of a relationship ending a lot of stress, time and money because of its high success rate. The reason this form of negotiation works is because it brings… Read More »How You Can Reach an Agreement in Mediation

Mediation in Property Settlement Cases

When a couple decides to end their relationship, it’s usually the case that they wish to separate their lives as soon as practicably possible. This can prove difficult to do if you owned property together during the relationship. Settling property matters is an important step in being able to move forward with your life, particularly… Read More »Mediation in Property Settlement Cases

5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Mediation for Child Custody Disputes

When a couple’s relationship ends, things can become so bitter and emotional that people can think going to court is the only way to resolve the issues between them, including the custody and raising of any children from the union. But fighting through the court is generally a drawn-out, costly and adversarial process that can… Read More »5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Mediation for Child Custody Disputes

How to Get Ready for Property Settlement Mediation

When it comes to family law matters, none of us really want to go to court. Unfortunately when a couple separates, dividing up the property assets acquired either jointly or separately during the relationship can prove to be a conflict-riddled process that often ends in costly, time-consuming litigation. In many cases these days, separating couples… Read More »How to Get Ready for Property Settlement Mediation

The Role of the Lawyer in Mediation

These days mediation is a required step before many family law matters may proceed to court action. In many cases, the former partners will resolve their areas of disagreement at this stage, saving time, money and a lot of stress. The collaborative nature of mediation, guided by a neutral third party in the mediator, can… Read More »The Role of the Lawyer in Mediation

Difference Between Mediation and Conciliation

There are a variety of terms used in the area of alternative dispute resolution (usually referred to these days as just ‘dispute resolution’) and at times, they can be confusing. Two of the most common terms are mediation and conciliation. Both are common processes used in family law mediation. Both share many features but also… Read More »Difference Between Mediation and Conciliation

How Mediation Can Help in Financial Agreements

In the context of family law disputes, unfortunately for many, the default position is to seek legal help and pursue a resolution through litigation. Whilst this approach is largely borne out of people simply not knowing all of their options, it can be a dangerous and expensive approach. Australia’s Family Law Act 1975 recognises financial… Read More »How Mediation Can Help in Financial Agreements

Mediate, Collaborate or Litigate.

Mediate, Collaborate, or Litigate: In the realm of family law disputes, many default to seeking legal assistance and pursuing resolution through litigation. This approach, often stemming from a lack of awareness of alternative options, can prove costly and fraught with risks. A more advantageous approach is to adopt a resolution-focused mindset when addressing family law… Read More »Mediate, Collaborate or Litigate.

Family Law Mediation. What Happens If I Don’t Want to Do It?

At the outset, there are circumstances in which mediation is not appropriate and we will detail them further in this article. In Australia and throughout the World there is a growing acknowledgment that litigation does not work, but for the very few who have no other alternative. Litigation is often lengthy, costly, have little regard… Read More »Family Law Mediation. What Happens If I Don’t Want to Do It?

How to Get Ready for Mediation

Mediation is a highly effective way of resolving family law dispute mediation to do with property or parenting matters. Generally speaking, the far majority of matters that are mediated are done so successfully saving separated couples tens and potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars, not to mention the emotional stress that lengthy litigation brings with… Read More »How to Get Ready for Mediation

Becoming Independent Sooner. How Mediation Can Help You Agree on Spousal Support

The last predicament you want to be in the following separation is without money. Yet it’s not uncommon for people to leave a relationship without properly considering everything. It goes without saying that once separated people can feel the financial brunt very quickly. That being the case, it doesn’t mean that you can’t turn things… Read More »Becoming Independent Sooner. How Mediation Can Help You Agree on Spousal Support

Is Mediation Expensive?

In the scheme of things, mediation is inexpensive when compared with the alternatives. But it also needs to be considered in the context of if successful, the massive amount of time and emotional energy you save in resolving in this manner as opposed to litigation. What is the cost of mediation? A mediation will range… Read More »Is Mediation Expensive?

How Does Mediation Help Co-Parenting

Most separated parents want to equally maintain parenting responsibilities. The success of this often depends on how amicable the relationship is between you and your ex-partner. It goes without saying that if you are both embroiled in long-standing litigation it’s probably more likely than not that any shared or co-parenting arrangement will be problematic. In… Read More »How Does Mediation Help Co-Parenting

When Should We Consider Property Settlement Mediation?

When Should We Consider Property Settlement? One myth that can trip up separating couples is the belief they need to wait for a divorce to finalize a property settlement. This is simply not true! Strict Time Frames for Property Settlements The time limit for property settlements in a marriage is 12 months following a divorce.… Read More »When Should We Consider Property Settlement Mediation?

How Much Does Mediation Cost?

The cost of mediation depends upon where you’re currently at in resolving your family law dispute and the type of dispute. There are a number of mediation avenues for you to consider in resolving your family law dispute. If your dispute relates to children or parenting, Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) is compulsory, which means that… Read More »How Much Does Mediation Cost?

Litigation or Mediation? Choose Very Wisely!

At the outset, let’s be very clear, mediation is not litigation. Litigation, of course, conjures up in the minds of many people, a battle to the end, with no real winners or losers, but rather most likely two battle fatigued people who are substantially poorer and more emotionally drained than they were when they chose… Read More »Litigation or Mediation? Choose Very Wisely!

I’m Contemplating Separation, Do I See a Lawyer or a Mediation Practice First?

I’m Contemplating Separation. Should I See a Lawyer or Mediator First? We encourage you to contact Mediations Australia first. Our team can answer your questions about mediation and assess if it’s the right approach for your situation. Family lawyers, while crucial in some cases, may be more inclined towards litigation due to the nature of… Read More »I’m Contemplating Separation, Do I See a Lawyer or a Mediation Practice First?

The Seven Most Common Questions About Mediation

Common Questions About Mediation 1. Why You Should Consider Mediation Numerous legal matters these days require you to attend mediation as a pre-requisite before having your matter heard in court. It’s the court’s way of sign-posting to you that it is far more effective and efficient to have your legal dispute handled this way, as… Read More »The Seven Most Common Questions About Mediation

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